“It’s a marauding Monday!” November 26, 2007 Mr. Houghteling British Literature “It’s a marauding Monday!” November 26, 2007 Mr. Houghteling
Bellringer: Before turning in your Lord of the Flies rough draft, UNDERLINE your thesis statement. If you CANNOT find your thesis statement, take three minutes and write your central argument (thesis) below your introductory paragraph.
Study the picture on pages 14-15 of your textbook for TWO MINUTES Study the picture on pages 14-15 of your textbook for TWO MINUTES. List FIVE things that you notice about the picture. Share your observations with a partner.
After sharing your initial observations, work with your partner to answer the following quick questions in your spiral notebook: -From where is the picture taken? -What does the picture portray? -What animals are depicted? -What types of weapons are shown?
Review the picture again Review the picture again. -Make a generalization: What does this picture tell you about the Anglo-Saxon period? Be specific.
Speed Reading – Anglo-Saxon Period Pages 18-21 in the textbook. -Read as much as you can for ONE MINUTE (timed – I will start and stop you). -Close your book and write down anything you remember. Don’t say a word to anyone – just write. -Group share – post those words that we remember on the board.
Speed Reading – Anglo-Saxon Period -Re-read the SAME section of text for one minute. Close the book and add keywords or anything else that you remember. -Using the KEYWORDS that you selected, write a SUMMARY of section one.
Section One (pages 18-19) MUST HAVE Keywords: Julius Caesar Romans British Isles Britons Picts Celtic
Homework Write summaries for the following sections: Perform the keyword exercise (reading, keywording, rereading, summarizing) for the remaining sections of pages 19-21. Write summaries for the following sections: The Anglo-Saxon Period The Growth of Christianity The Danish Invasions Prepare yourself for a quiz on this material on Wednesday, November 28, 2007.
Have a terrific day!