St. George and St. Teresa Catholic Primary School Year 2 Parents’ Meeting September 2016
Timetable Maths RE- Corporate Worship Break English – R W Inc / Guided Reading Reading books. Two a week Due in on Mondays.- please remember to sign. P.E./Games every Tuesday and Thursday Library every other week-Book reviews Other subjects will be delivered in the afternoons with some subjects blocked ie Art and D&T
For Curriculum Map please see School Website.
English Grammar & Punctuation Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es (for example, dog, dogs; wish, wishes). Prefix – ‘un’ and how it changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives such as kind/ unkind. Punctuation – capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks. Writing in sentences, joining words and joining clauses using ‘and’. Connectives to join sentences as well as using ‘and’ words such as then, but, after, next, so
English English will continue to be delivered in targeted groups. The children will continually revisit phonemes and graphemes alongside punctuation and grammar. Spelling rules/patterns may be repeated. It is important that children not only learn spellings for the test but apply them in writing across the curriculum. We have high expectations for the quality and quantity of writing produced. Children become more independent when composing their writing.
Reading Please ensure your child reads for at least 15mins per day and regularly discusses the content of their reading with you with reference to the text. This should be recorded in your child’s Home School Diary. Reading books and Home School Diary should be kept in your child’s bag and brought into school every day. We aim to change reading books twice a week. Our school reading scheme should only be the tip of the iceberg. Reading ‘real books’ and being read to are vital to your child’s progress in reading. The children are encouraged to reread the texts provided. It is not about speed reading or ‘barking at print’. Comprehension, inference and proving it are key elements of Year 2.
Maths Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions Measurement Geometry- properties of shapes Geometry- position and direction Statistics See Home School Diary for further guidance on Maths At home, make Maths fun, practical and part of the day-to-day routine ie. Discuss the time, money, mental calculations in the car etc.
Equipment Home School Diary Your child will be provided with a long ruler, one pencil and a rubber. It would be useful for your child to have a small pencil case with their own sharpener, whiteboard pen, pencil crayons, rubber and glue stick. Art shirt (Old shirt/ top/ apron) (labelled) PE/ Games kit in one bag. Wet play activity- colouring book, Top Trumps…
P.E. Kit Games Kit: Rugby top Dark blue shorts Blue long socks Tracksuit (Optional) Trainers (Outdoor), Pumps (Indoor) P.E. Kit: White top Royal blue shorts White socks Please ensure all items are clearly named.
Snacks Children in KS1 will be provided with fresh fruit every day. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school every day. Water only for drinking. If you wish for your child to have milk please speak to the office.
Home School Diary Please ensure that you record the title and comments about your child’s reading book and sign when you have listened to them read. Write children’s targets in. For subject guidance on Maths and English please refer to relevant section in the Diary.
Homework Monday: Spelling Test Tuesday: New spellings issued for test the following Monday Wednesday: Maths Activity due for Monday Thursday: Science/Theme homework may be issued Friday: Mental Maths Test and new Mental Maths issued Continue to read a variety of texts At the end of each half term, your child may be provided with a variety of activities to be completed over the holiday i.e. comprehension, writing task, handwriting or a mini project If we feel your child would benefit from extra activities at home, we will discuss this with you. Literacy book for spellings. Will stay in school. Readin
Assessments in English and Maths Around May time- dates to be confirmed Phonics test Reading task Reading test Writing tasks Spelling test Maths test Mental Maths Science Keep routine as normal as possible. Will be done in the classroom Reading task: reading to the teacher, looking for fluency expression and comprehension Reading test: L2 and L3 Comprehension reading and answering questions. Writing tasks: cannot disclose what they are. They will be graded on sentence structure, composition of the whole text and handwriting.