Have a wonderful weekend Knoelk News Sept. 9, 2017 Specials Monday: P.E. Tuesday: Art Wednesday: P.E. Thursday: Art Friday: P.E./Half day RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS ON WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK! Check for schedules and info. on my website. News and Notes There will be no HomeLink homework this week. Please support the Haines fundraiser. Orders are due Sept. 19. Early dismissal Friday, Sept. 15 at 12:15. TCBY will also be served this Friday for those who ordered it. In observation of Patriot’s Day, please encourage your child to wear red, white and blue on Monday, Sept. 11. Our class is in need of Room Parents for the winter party. Please email Dr. Hall if you are interested (mhall@nlsd122.org). Thank you for considering! What we’re working on: Language Arts: Henry and Mudge is a realistic fiction story the students will read this week. We will focus on identifying main idea and details. Spelling/phonics: The spelling words this week will have long vowel sounds made by the vowel-consonant-silent e spelling pattern. Grammar/writing: The students will be learning about and writing exclamations and commands! It should make for a very exciting week!! They will also write a paragraph to describe a lost dog. Math: Skills and concepts for this week include odd and even numbers, skip counting, and addition and subtraction to 10. Science: We’ll wrap up our unit on matter. Storytown books will come home on Wednesday this week for students to re-read the story and prepare for the comprehension and vocabulary tests that will be on Thursday (due to early dismissal on Friday). F.Y.I. On September 15th we will have an Intruder/Lockdown Drill. This drill is done in cooperation with Officer Jurka, our School Resource Officer. We practice this drill in a non-threatening manner. We do stress that this is just a drill several times. Students are expected to go to their safe location and remain silent. If you have any questions about this drill please call Dr. Hall. It is important that we practice our safety drills at school. Have a wonderful weekend
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