VIRGINIA’S TMDL PROCESS Four Mile Run Bacteria TMDL March 25, 2002 Alexandria, VA Good evening. I want to join Mike in welcoming you to this public meeting. My presentation tonight will give a very brief overview of VA’s Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL, process and provide some information on ongoing activities. Mike Shelor from the Department of Conservation & Recreation will talk a little bit about TMDL implementation
What is a TMDL ? TMDL = “Total Maximum Daily Load” TMDL = pollution budget TMDL = Sum (WLA)+ Sum (LA)+ MOS Required elements: meets water quality standard; considers all sources incl. background contains TMDL, WLA, LA and MOS addresses seasonality, critical condition, and reasonable assurance
How is a TMDL developed? Identify all sources of a given pollutant Calculate the amount of pollutant entering the stream from each source Calculate - by source - the pollutant reductions needed to attain water quality standards For each source, allocate the allowable loading and include Margin of Safety So what exactly is a TMDL? Well, Phil McClellan of MapTech will answer that in detail a little later, so suffice it to say that it’s a special study to….. The # of TMDLs that need to be developed in VA is spelled out in a 1999 consent decree between EPA and the American Canoe Association and the American Littoral Society. This document contains deadlines for state action that need to be met to avoid EPA intervention in VA’s environmental program.
Water Quality Standards Listing of impaired waters and TMDL development are based on WQ standards. Standards are regulations based on federal and state law that set: numeric and narrative limits on pollutants. Purpose of standards: protection of 5 designated uses: aquatic life, fishing, shellfish, swimming, & drinking water restoration of state waters - TMDLs The process starts with the WQS. Standards are the criteria which determine whether a waterbody will be put on the impaired waters list, or 303(d) list. They set numeric and/or narrative limits on pollutants and serve to protect the five designated uses shown here.
Current Fecal Coliform Standard Geometric mean of 200 counts per 100 ml. Instantaneous of 1000 counts per 100 ml. Revisions: Change in criteria from fecal coliform to E. coli and enterococci by May 2002 Considering re-designating some waters for secondary contact, i.e. non-swimming use; adoption by Fall 2002 if approved VA’s current standard for fecal coliform bacteria allows either a 30-day geometric mean of 200 counts/ 100 mL or an instantaneous value of 1,000 counts/ 100 mL. Whichever criterion is applied to a given data set must be met at all times.
Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Process Monitor and assess water quality - 305(b) Report Place impaired waters on 303(d) List Develop TMDL for impaired waters Implement TMDL Remove waters from 303(d) List when TMDL is developed but track on 305(b) Report as having TMDL Water quality monitoring data are used for VA’s WQ Assessment, or 305(b) report. Based on that assessment, the State develops the 303(d) list of impaired waters, or TMDL list. Regulations require TMDLs to be developed for the waters on the 303(d) list to bring them in compliance with VA’s water quality standards.
TMDL Development Process Public meeting for TMDL development Public meeting for Draft TMDL Submit to EPA for approval SWCB adoption of TMDL as regulation Include TMDL in basin-wide WQMPs The TMDL process currently includes at a minimum 1) … 2) a public meeting for the draft TMDL which is what we’re here for today, 3) After the public comment period has ended, the TMDL is submitted to EPA for approval; 4) Upon EPA approval, the TMDL is presented to the SWCB for adoption as regulation; and 5) will be included in basin-wide WQMPs. The WQMPs will also be the repository for TMDL implementation plans, once they have been developed.
TMDL Implementation Implementation plans not required under CWA or by EPA’s current regulations. DEQ is required by state legislation to develop implementation plan DEQ and DCR are developing framework for NPS TMDL implementation plans
TMDL Implementation DEQ, DCR, VDH, other state agencies and local stakeholders will coordinate on plan development. TMDL implementation plans have been completed for 13 impaired water segments where TMDLs had been approved. Opportunity knocks!
Staged Implementation TMDLs include staged reduction targets allows most cost-effective measures to be implemented first allows iterative evaluation of TMDL adequacy in achieving water quality standard may ultimately require change in WQS, e.g. different criterion based on use
Four Mile Run TMDL Implementation Local process TMDL Implementation Plan 1997 WQMIRA type, cost of measure implementation period, funding Ongoing local activities county and city environmental programs
Four Mile Run TMDL Implementation Examples for implementation strategies: Identify and repair leaking sewer lines Prepare and distribute educational materials on proper handling of pet waste Develop, implement and enforce local ordinances addressing pet waste
Future of TMDL Program Court Order requires forward movement and completion of TMDLs Resource needs at all levels Expect changes WQS revisions ongoing EPA/state cooperation EPA’s new TMDL regulation is due to take effect on October 1, 2001. All TMDLs will be required to include implementation plans, which will impact VA’s TMDL process. We need additional resources at all levels from the General Assembly. A report was sent to the Assembly on Nov 1, detailing current and future needs to fulfill our TMDL requirements.
Public Comment Information Comment period ends April 9, 2002 Send comments to Kate Bennett, VA DEQ 13901 Crown Ct Woodbridge, VA 22801 phone (703) 583-3896, Fax (703) 583-3841 e-mail
VIRGINIA’S TMDL PROCESS Four Mile Run Bacteria TMDL March 25, 2002 Alexandria, VA Good evening. I want to join Mike in welcoming you to this public meeting. My presentation tonight will give a very brief overview of VA’s Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL, process and provide some information on ongoing activities. Mike Shelor from the Department of Conservation & Recreation will talk a little bit about TMDL implementation