Emerging from words of knowledge and wisdom received in church The Threshing floor Emerging from words of knowledge and wisdom received in church
Who, what, how? 1.God is seeking his grain (us, refined). 2. The threshing floor is where separation takes place between the grain and the chuff. 3. During the preparation, the threshing floor needs to be strong and hard; not weak.
Background literature Biblically caravans/ chariots stopped at threshing floors David built an altar on a threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite (2Sam 24:18- 24). ...because of its elevation the ground was already prepared... (so is TCF!)This site later became the temple (2Chron3:1) Some believe that “the tribulation” (Rev 7:14) emerges from the same word for “threshing” floor- a time of separation. Historically/ biblically Joseph and his brothers stopped at the threshing floor of Atad (Gen 50:10).
Wooden sledge or tribulum- Winnowing fork Sieve
Instruments at the threshing floor Wooden sledge or tribulum- Winnowing fork Sieve Sieving is the last process to bring perfection Reminder to the grain (us, the remnants of the church: 2cor 6:17- Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate...and I will receive you. Not to say that people who aren’t with us any more are unclean. In Acts 13 :2 “Separate ye Paul and Barnabas”... As they were fasting and praying.
Ruth revealed herself to Boaz at Boaz’s threshing floor (Ruth 3:6-9). In Syria, it was customary for the family to move to the site of the threshing floor during season (International bible standard encyclopaedia). Some warnings Uzah (who tried to stop the ark of God from falling) died near the threshing floor (2Sam 6:6) Threshing floors are in danger of being robbed because that’s where the harvest is (1Sam 23:1). For this reason someone always sleeps on the floor until the grain is removed. Ruth 3:7- remember Boaz and Ruth.
Reflecting on the process... The process isn’t comfortable – it’s active! Thrust and frictional forces are applied, it requires time and lots of mass/ bulk is lost in order to separate seed from chuff, different roles, family.
Video Let’s watch the video as we reflect
Activity- Listening to share... If TCF Corringham has been named a “threshing floor”, a)What links could we draw between the biblical threshing floor and our fellowship? b)What part could we each play on the threshing floor?
Activity- Listening to share... If TCF Corringham has been named a “threshing floor”, a)What links could we draw between the biblical threshing floor and our fellowship? b)What part could we each play on the threshing floor?