Mrs. Haskell’s Rockin’ Rascals
Mrs. Haskell Masters of Educational Leadership from Neumann College Elementary Education and Special Education degrees Instructional Technology Coordinator Hobbies: Scrapbooking, photography, walking and antiquing Married to Joe, 4 Children, and 6 furry cats
Check Out our Classroom WEBSITE Information for students and parents Links and calendars Homework, Happenings and Assignments Register for e-alerts!!!
What can you do to keep your child’s brain “sharp?” Your Brain needs 3 things for fuel – Water, Glucose and Oxygen. Make sure your child has a good breakfast. Send in a water bottle and make sure that your child has a healthy snack. Linking movement with cognitive processing you get more learning because they are both processed in the cerebellum. Have your child wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Encourage your child to move and get exercise/play everyday. Every 18 minutes you need to move and change to help with memory and processing. Sleep cycle is necessary for storing long term memory. Make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep every night and goes to bed at a set time every night. What can you do to keep your child’s brain “sharp?”
Rascal Expectations When you are in your seat you should be working. Be ready with materials for lessons and activities. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. Follow directions the first time given. Raise your hand. Adjust your voice level to the activity. Follow the Bobcat Pledge.
t Info Important information Field Trips Healthy Snack - Extra Homework Book Reports/100 Book Challenge Book Clubs – Scholastic Books Special Events – Pumpkin Day, Author’s Tea, Healthy Heart Day, Pi Day, Earth Day, Barton’s Buds
Standards Based Curriculum Lessons linked to the standards and eligible content for PSSA High and clear expectations for all students Learning goals are communicated to students Students are active participants in their learning.
4th Grade Curriculum Language Arts Reading Workshop Writers Workshop Daily Edit Word Study – Words Their Way
Science Social Studies Cooperative lab groups in the Science Lab Daily Geography Social Studies Alive! PA News Pennsylvania History
All Programs are Technology Infused SmartBoard Meeting Technology Standards Kid Biz Compass Learning Typing Pal MS Office 2007 Word Powerpoint Internet resources Netbooks, laptops and cameras
Opportunities for Distance Learning Virtual Field Trips- Travel to places you could never go to before Collaborative Lessons Between school buildings Between schools across the nation – Templeton Penpals
We are Ready to Rock it out!
Accelerated Math Program AMP
Daily Schedule: Warm Up – Problem of the day (POD) Review Homework Lesson Practice Activity Wrap-Up Explain/assign Homework
Text and Materials Scott Foresman Investigations Grade 5 Every student needs a binder for all math materials.
Text and Materials Problem of the week and PSSA review everyday Technology infused learning – With web based materials