The Power Of Silence
½ Page Journal Entry: Consider the video and write about why this message is so important at this time in the united states
Regardless of who our president is or is not, why is using your voice so important?
The only story that matters is the one you want to write In your journal, write down at least ten expectations other people have for you Put a check next to those that are true to you and an x next to those that are not Expectations others have for me: Polite to others Enjoy shopping Always positive
Reminder of the Video from last week: The speaker’s name is Ash Beckham She is a lesbian woman who is talking about empathy and openness This speech made her famous She has appeared over 30 times at universities and conferences to give similar speeches
What does she mean by “There is no harder there is just hard”? We need to stop comparing our hard to everyone else’s hard to make us feel better or worse about our own closets and just commiserate over the fact that we all have “hard”
What happens to you if you start to discount your own problems just because they’re not as bad as someone else’s?
Watch the video, then Answer: How is sympathy different than Empathy?
What does Empathy do that Sympathy does not?
How did you respond? How can you use reading to help the little kids in your life grow in empathy?
Create your Portfolio Please take a manila envelope from the pile Put your name (last name, first name) on the flap Decorate it with words, pictures, quotes, you name it As you are decorating and making this envelope yours listen for your name—I will be handing you work from this past semester and you will put it in your envelope
Homework: Show at least one person some empathy today, and another person sympathy Then write a journal entry about the way that person reacted, and also how expressing each made you feel