PA Dutch 101 Video 33: Comparative and Superlative. Comparative and Superlative.
Comparative In English, the ending –ER is normally added to the end of an adjective to form the Comparative: small – smaller great – greater In PD, the Comparative is formed by adding – ER as well: reich – reicher langsam – langsamer
Superlative In English, the ending –EST is normally added to the end of an adjective to form the Superlative: small – smallest great – greatest In PD, the Superlative is formed by adding the ending –SCHT and placing an ES in front of the Superlative: nei – es neischt dumm – es dummscht
Superlative Dont forget about special adjective rules discussed in Video 32. Comp.Super. B to Wlieblieweres liebscht T to Dlautlauderes laudscht Drop Sheessheesseres heesscht E, before L or R maybe dropped deierdeireres deierscht
Irregulars Some PD adjectives not only add endings to form the Comparative and the Superlative, but also change stem vowels: Comp.Super. altelderes eldscht kaltkelderes keldscht langlengeres lengscht waarmweermeres weermscht
Irregulars Some PD adjectives not only add endings to form the Comparative and the Superlative, but also change stem vowels: Comp.Super. schpotschpeederes schpeedscht hochheecheres heechscht grossgreesseres greesscht yungyingeres yingscht
Irregulars Some adjectives completely change in the Comparative and Superlative forms: Comp.Super. gutbesseres besscht vielmeh, mehneres menscht
Phrases using Comp and Super. To form the phrase as___as in PD, use the phrase so___as. Mei Bruder iss so gross as ich. To continue the phrase in the Comp, drop the so: Mei Bruder iss greesser as ich. To continue the phrase in the Superlative: Mei Bruder iss es greesscht.
Iewing - Practice Give the correct Comparative Forms: Mei Grossmudder ihr Kuche iss ___ (siess) as dei Grossmudders. Mei Grossmudder ihr Kuche iss siesser as dei Grossmudders. Europe iss ___ (alt) as Nordamerikaa. Europe iss elder as Nordamerikaa.
Iewing - Practice Give the correct Superlative Form: Rockmyusick iss ____ (laut). Rockmyusick iss es laudscht. PD Schwetze iss ____ (gut). Deitsch Schwete iss (es) besscht!
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