The formal of du, ihr, and Sie By: Anibal Palacios
DU The familiar forms Du, meaning you, is used when speaking to relatives, close friends, children and animals. NOTE that Du is used to address one person. menu Example
EXAMPLE GERMAN: Wo wohnst du? English: Where do you live? GERMAN: Woher kommst du? English: Where do you come from? GERMAN: Wohnst du hier? English: Do you live here?
IHR The familiar form IHR also meaning you, is used when speaking to relatives, close friends, children and animals. NOTE that IHR is used for two or more people. MENU EXAMPLE
SIE The formal form of sie, meaning you, is used when speaking to adults and to those not addressed by their names. The formal form Sie, in both singular and plural, is always capitalized. EXAMPLE
GERMAN: WOHER kommt ihr? ENGLISH: Where do you come from? GERMAN: Wo wohnt ihr? English: Where do you live? GERMAN: Wohnt ihr hier? English: Do you live here?
EXAMPLE GERMAN: Wo wohnen Sie, herr Schulz? English: Where do you live Mr. Schulz? GERMAN: Kennen sie Herr Meier? English: Do you know Mr. Meier?
QUIZ ZEIT Wo wohnst ____? Woher kommt___? du du ihr ihr Sie Sie a a b b c c a a b b c c
Falsch False!!!!
Which of these forms would you use in the following situations? You are talking to your… 1.CousinCousin 2.ParentsParents 3.CoachCoach 4.DogDog 5.DentistDentist 6.BrotherBrother 7.GirlfriendGirlfriend 8.Pet rabbitsPet rabbits 9.RelativesRelatives 10.School principleSchool principle
relatives Ihr Sie du a a b b c c
falsch false!!!!
ADULTS du ihr Sie a a b b c c
PLURAL ihr Sie du a a b b c c
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