Outreach 2016 Lori J. Brown, FRAeS NGAP Outreach Chair Western Michigan University, Associate Professor
NGAP Outreach Revitalization Outreach WG member Global expansion- Korea, Japan, China, Ireland, England, Africa, Brazil, Russia, USA, Singapore, Canada, Dominica Republic, Puerto Rico Increased promotion at events Included NGAP Outreach in International conference presentations Established collaborations and promotion for other international outreach programs and events
NGAP Outreach mini-meetings England Ireland China USA
Promotion publications NGAP flyer NGAP Newsletters NGAP website NGAP article for ICAO Training Report (September) Promotion of various publications on NGAP website (Newsletter, Aviation Voice Magazine (Sri Lanka) and Dreams Soar) Coordination with Suzanne Kearns for support for aviation textbook (on-going)
Click here to watch Outreach 2016 Video
Promotion of NGAP at events Presentation at RAeS International Flight Crew Training and IPTA meeting (London) in September Presentation at RAeS NGAP in Airworthiness and Maintenance (Ireland) in September Presentation at WATS/SECA (April) Presentation at CATF for the China Adult Education Association (CAEA) in October NGAP Presentation delivered in Tokyo YAFA- Aviation Youth Forum, Cameroon
Thank you to all of the Outreach working group volunteers and ALPA for their donations to Outreach.