Agenda Wednesday Thursday DTC overview Community interactions


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda Wednesday Thursday DTC overview Community interactions Perspectives from operational partners NOAA/NWS Air Force Task area presentations & discussion focused on R2O activities Working lunch – breakout groups (group assignments listed at end of agenda) discuss building community Reception (FL3) – come meet staff to get a better picture of what DTC is all about! Thursday Community interactions Breakout groups by task area SAB closed session Lunch will be served at noon outside FLA-2205 Briefing on SAB recommendations Do not need to come to consensus Capture thoughts of all SAB members Distributed reporting responsibilities! Open discussion on future direction of DTC 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Developmental Testbed Center: Overview Bill Kuo 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Outline DTC mission, history, and governance DTC AOP 2016 and budget Planning process for DTC annual operating plan (AOP) 2015 SAB recommendations & DTC responses Planning for DTC AOP 2017 Challenges and opportunities 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

What is DTC? Purpose: Facilitate the interaction & transition of NWP technology between research & operations O2R: Support operational NWP systems to the community R2O: Perform T&E on promising NWP innovations for possible operational implementation Community: Visitor Program, Workshops, Newsletter Jointly sponsored by NOAA, Air Force, NSF, & NCAR 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Overview DTC was established in 2003. The DTC Charter provides guidance for the governance of the DTC. Charter revision which reflects expanded scope in its final stages DTC Terms of Operation developed to address day-to-day operations For FY2016, DTC has a budget of $5.215 M (after fees), with funding provided by NOAA/OAR, NWS, Air Force, NSF, GSD, and NCAR DTC has a staff of ~40 (total of ~21 FTE), distributed between NOAA/ESRL/GSD (1/3), and NCAR (RAL, MMM & CGD - 2/3). The DTC Director’s Office is hosted by NCAR/RAL. For general AOP, total is 3.933M (OAR, AF, HFIP, NCAR & NSF). New funding to GMTB (FY16) is GSD 400K and NCAR (after fees) $832 Overall total: 5.165 M 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Governance and Operation Operation of DTC: Bill Kuo (Director), Louisa Nance (Assistant Director), Stan Benjamin (ESRL/GSD/EMB Branch Chief), Josh Hacker (NCAR/RAL/JNTP Director) Priorities set by funding agencies with guidance from Science Advisory Board Executive Committee Senior executives from funding agencies Appoint DTC director, and provide executive oversight; Approve DTC AOP and budget; Approve membership of MB and SAB Management Board (MB) Director, deputy directors, members from funding organizations Work with DTC Director to prepare DTC AOP and budget; Assist DTC Director with the execution of DTC tasks Science Advisory Board (SAB) Members from operational and research communities Provide advice to DTC Director on strategic direction and objectives; Review DTC Visitor Program proposals; Recommend codes for DTC testing Executive Committee (representatives from funding organizations): appoints DTC Director and performs executive oversight on policy and resource commitments. Management Board (MB - DTC Director, deputy directors, additional member from each chartering organization): assists Director in preparing Annual Operating Plan, annual budget, and selecting testing activities. Advisory Board (nominated by MB, members from both operational and research communities): assists the Director with strategic direction and objectives of DTC. 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Executive Committee and Management Board Bill Lapenta, Director, NOAA/NWS/NCEP (Chair) Ralph Stoffler, Acting Director of Weather, Air Force James Hurrell, Director, NCAR Kevin Kelleher, Director, NOAA/OAR/ESRL Louis Uccellini, Director, NOAA/NWS (ex officio, non-voting member) DTC Management Board Mike Farrar, Director, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC (DTC Deputy Director, NWS) Fred Toepfer, Project Manager, NOAA/NWS/HFIP & NGGPS Mike Gremillion, Air Force (DTC Deputy Director, Air Force) John Zaptocny, Air Force Stan Benjamin, NOAA/ESRL/GSD (DTC Deputy Director, OAR) Tom Hamill, NOAA/ESRL/PSD Josh Hacker, Director, NCAR/RAL/JNTP (DTC Deputy Director, NCAR) Joseph Klemp, NCAR/MMM Bill Kuo, Director, DTC (Chair) 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Science Advisory Board Adam Clark, U. of Oklahoma Brad Colman, Climate Corporation Kristen Corbosiero, SUNY- Albany Geoff DiMego, NCEP/EMC Jenni Evans, Penn State Rob Fovell, SUNY-Albany David Gochis, NCAR S. G. Gopalakrishnan, AOML Kayo Ide, U of Maryland Kelly Mahoney, CIRES Sharanya Majumdar, U. of Miami Russ Schumacher, CSU Kathy Gilbert, NCEP/WPC Tom Auligne, JCSDA Zhuo Wang, U. of Illinois David Vollmer, USAF Academy Tim Whitcomb, NRL SAB appointment has a term of 3 years, and can be renewed based on mutual interest 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Evolving structure – through 2014 DTC Director’s Office Mesoscale Modeling Ensembles Hurricanes Data Assimilation Verification Science Advisory Board Management Board DTC Visitor Program Activities are divided into basic task areas / Staff may be assigned to contribute to multiple tasks/ Tasks also utilize common tool sets / oversight structure where each task is assigned a lead… Collaboration with NOAA testbeds 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Evolving structure – July 2015 DTC Director’s Office Mesoscale Modeling Ensembles Hurricanes Data Assimilation Verification Global Model Test Bed Science Advisory Board Management Board DTC Visitor Program Collaboration with NOAA testbeds 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Evolving structure – April 2016 DTC Director’s Office Regional Ensembles Hurricanes Data Assimilation Verification Global Model Test Bed Science Advisory Board Management Board DTC Visitor Program Collaboration with NOAA testbeds 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Funding Summary FY11 – FY16 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Budget – AOP 2016 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

AOP 2016 Budget Allocations* (in K) Task OAR AF NCAR NSF NWS Total Director’s Office $604 - $169 $773 Visitor Program $100 $200 Regional Ensembles $949 $11 $960 Data Assimilation $754 $50 $804 Hurricanes $451 $409 $860 Verification $185 $154 $216 $555 Global Model Test Bed $1,063 $3,043 $204 $227 $1,641 $5,215 LBN: Please keep in mind that all these numbers are after fees. *After NSF cost recovery fee and UCAR fee 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC funding sources (in $K) FY2015 FY2016 FY2016-FY2015 NOAA/OAR $2793 - NOAA/NWS $1981 $1641 -340 GSD $250 Air Force $104 $204 +100 NCAR $223 $227 +4 NSF $100 Total $5,451 $5,165 -286 Note: numbers in this table do not include the allocation of carry-over from the Director’s reserve – just new funding 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC budget allocations (in $K) Funding allocation FY2015 FY2016 FY2016-FY2015 Director’s Office1 946 773 -173 Visitor Program 200 - Mesoscale Modeling 763 960 -241 Ensembles 438 Hurricane 840 860 +20 Data Assimilation 590 804 +214 Verification 324 555 +231 Global Model Test Bed 1,400 1,063 -337 Total 5,501 5,165 -336 Note: Allocation for director’s office includes the $50K from the director’s reserve carry-over. 1 FY15 director’s office includes $50 K from Director’s reserve carry-over 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Annual Operating Plan Process Sep 2016 Dec 2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Apr 2017 SAB provides input DTC develops draft AOP Need to point out that this performance period does not pertain to NGGPS funding. MB review & approval EC review & approval DTC Period of Performance: 1 April – 30 March DTC AOP Execution 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Science Advisory Board Role Recommendations Membership 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

DTC Science Advisory Board SAB Chair: Rotating, with one-year term SAB should be forward-looking and focused on science-based strategic recommendations (instead of budgetary and programmatic issues) SAB recommendations should be made in a context of awareness of DTC’s capabilities and constraints Allowing the SAB recommendations to be actionable and relevant to the development of DTC AOP SAB should maintain its independence, and should not be constrained in its discussion and recommendations SAB is not a FACA committee. No consensus is required. Participation of operational centers allows a direct dialog with SAB 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

General SAB Recommendations - I Prioritize activities based on usage & expected impact, to identify activities that are lower priority in a resource-limited environment. During AOP 2016 proposal development, DTC carefully considered both user base & types of T&E activities in initial proposal and looked for consistency – NMMB user support discontinued based on assessment of community & direction of DTC T&E activities. T&E activities are crucial to DTC’s mission and should be encouraged and supported: demonstrate impact on operations and enhance support activities. Balance between support activities & T&E activities was carefully considered during AOP 2016 discussions with DTC MB 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

General SAB Recommendations - II Do not get too focused too soon on global models at the expense of other important duties. Continued focus on high resolution T&E activities is appropriate with eye towards impacting next generation global model(s). Base funds for AOP 2016 remained focused on regional applications. Establish and/or improve connections w/ EMC’s Model Evaluation Group (MEG), JCSDA and other testbeds, as well as with forecasters and SOOs. Staff members participate in weekly MEG telecons & presentations advertising DTC Visitor Program now include information about MEG. Collaborative project with HWT on evaluation of CLUE was proposed for AOP 2016, but did not make the cut. Staff participated in planning meeting for 2017 HWT Spring Experiment 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

General SAB Recommendations - III More computing and storage resources are needed to support DTC activities. This should not be a chronic limitation. Continued to raise this concern with external management. Investing small amount of NCAR funds to setup containers for UPP, MET and MMET cases. Reach out to university PIs who have CSTAR proposals, as they could create valuable projects for the visitor program. List of PIs shared with task leads and leads were encouraged to review list for prospective contacts Identify individuals with global modeling expertise to serve on the SAB. Recommendation taken into consideration when developing list of potential SAB nominees and global modeling expertise is now included. 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Specific recommendations: Mesoscale Modeling MMET is a valuable resource: Need to increase visibility. Expand to include global case studies as a way of leveraging future focus on global models operated at mesoscale resolutions. Reconsider acronym MMET due to potential source of confusion with MET. Include more cases in MMET high lighting model skill drops, including extension to global models. Proposed/funded work related to MMET includes a regional workshop co-hosted with a university to increase visibility and future direction is now more closely tied to MEG. Changing acronym discussed at length prior to submitting BAMS article on MMET - determined it was best to move forward without changing. Invest in T&E of convective-allowing ensembles and leverage other groups (e.g., HWT) doing high- resolution ensemble modeling. Collaboration with HWT on evaluation of CLUE included in AOP 2016 proposal but not funded. Aerosol-aware physics remains an opportunity for T&E tasks. Included in initial list of topics for AOP 2016 proposal, but did not make the first cut. With increased importance of ensembles, facilitation of ensemble post-processing is a key goal and DTC can play an important role in this effort. Post-processing activities were not included in AOP 2016 proposal, but are now being considered for AOP 2017 given potential for synergy with visitor projects. Mesoscale modeling and ensemble tasks should eventually be merged due to their natural synergy. Done! 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Specific recommendations: Ensembles Continue research in stochastic methods (e.g., stochastic physics and SKEBS, etc.) and leverage development in the GSI ensemble development effort. Continued T&E related to stochastic methods proposed and funded for AOP 2016. Shift research towards convection-permitting resolutions, which can include leveraging existing efforts such as the HWT. Focus of T&E for AOP 2016 transitioned from 13-km to 3-km. Resolution testing at grid spacings such as 13 km is still valid owing to applicability to current global modeling. Resources did not allow T&E for both 13-km and 3-km resolution. Determined testing at 3-km would be most helpful for informing EMC’s implementation plans. Engage research community with respect to post-processing techniques and probabilistic products, e.g., for high-resolution applications such as convection-permitting ensembles. Post-processing activities were not included in AOP 2016 proposal, but are now being considered for AOP 2017 given potential for synergy with visitor projects. 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Specific recommendations: Hurricanes Work towards incorporating hurricane-specific model physics into the CCPP framework that is currently under development for NGGPS and take a model-agnostic approach to model physics and initialization. While no specific work has been undertaken wrt incorporating hurricane-specific physics into CCPP, these types of additions were incorporated into the development of the IPD/CCPP concept over the past year. Continue HWRF basin-scale hurricane modeling efforts with the community and with HFIP. DTC is continuing to provide developer support for the basin-scale modeling efforts. Continue working with the operational group at EMC regarding model testing and upgrades. DTC is continuing its close collaboration with EMC’s HWRF team regarding testing activities. Expand Hurricane T&E activities regarding model physics to include other model physics, such as PBL schemes, and involve visiting scientists in this effort. T&E related to physics improvements is included in AOP 2016 and team is collaborating with multiple visitors on projects related to physics advancement. Premature for DTC to put resources into NMMB for hurricane tasks at this time. DTC is not currently investing resources into NMMB for hurricanes. 25 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Specific recommendations: Data Assimilation Look for more synergy with mesoscale and hurricane task groups to leverage resources and identify and de-emphasize tools that appear to be relatively unused and/or obsolete to economize support costs. T&E activities for DA and Regional Ensembles tasks are both focusing on HRRR and are being more closely coordinated this year. Look for opportunities to involve visiting scientists in designing new T&E activities. DA team continues to look for opportunities to collaborated with visiting scientists and are encouraging prospective visitors to apply to DTC Visitor Program. Look for ways to provide researchers with access to data and preprocessing capability employed in operational models so they can conduct R2O properly. DA team updated data resources and processing information on website and continues to provide data format support. Also helped community users communicate with EMC data processing team to obtain data preprocessing information. Continue efforts regarding the GSI code refactoring, including collaborating with the Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI) effort to unify DA architecture and make DA tools more model-agnostic. Continuing discussions with Tom Auligne on potential ways to collaborate with JCSDA on these topics. Continue working with operations in supporting 4D EnVar, as this is needed to support R2O. AOP 2016 T&E activities are focusing on 4D EnVar application to HRRR (3 km) 26 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Specific recommendations: Verification Popularize and support verification in general and MET in particular through community outreach, such as regional workshops and AMS short courses. Regional workshop proposed/funded under AOP 2016. Looking to partner with JCSDA and possible U of Maryland for this workshop. Actively poll users and potential users regarding their requirements and priorities. Have put significant effort over the past year into gathering requirements and priorities with a focus on NOAA and AF partners. Needs are also identified documented through helpdesk requests and issue tracking software Develop a real-time web presence showcasing MET-based verification, and/or leverage & popularize existing efforts, as a way of enhancing familiarization with and interest in MET. Upgrading METViewer to handle larger database to make statistics for operational suite available to the community. Work towards developing a set of best practices for using MET, especially including visualization and reporting of verification statistics. Initial work funded for AOP 2016 and sets will be made available on website. Expect this work will be augmented in AOP 2017. Invest a portion of NGGPS funding to support global applications of MET. NGGPS is contributing to verification unification centered on MET through funding to NCAR outside the DTC. Portion of DTC OAR base is also contribution to unification effort. Develop connections to forecast offices now that they are using MET. Have formed strong connections with EMC and WPC, which has led to being included on NWS QPF verification advisory team. Anticipate increased use of MET by MEG during 2nd half of AOP 2016, which includes NWS participants from various NCEP centers, regional headquarters and forecast offices. Make ensemble verification a high priority Verification task is working closely with Ensembles task and contacts within NOAA to develop requirements for unification effort – ensemble verification is a high priority for the unification effort. 27 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Specific recommendations: Global Model Test Bed Look for ways to enhance synergies among the various DTC areas of responsibility. Continued to look for ways global effort might complement work being undertaken for regional applications. Looking for potential to merge MMET and GMTB Physics Testbed. High priority should be placed on the IPD/CCPP. This effort could represent a way of enhancing how the various areas of the DTC interoperate. IPD/CCPP is central to all atmospheric physics work being undertaken by GMTB. Pursue a broad reach when planning the sea ice modeling workshop. Workshop included participants from broad cross-section of the research and operational sea ice community. 28 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Planning for AOP 2017 Preliminary guidance for DTC is ‘flat budget*,’ however, potential cuts are possible. “Continuing resolution” is expected. DTC prepares draft AOP 2017 for a budget ranging from -10% to +10%. Selection of AOP 2017 proposed activities for funding will be determined based on priorities of sponsors and available budget. SAB’s recommendations will be taken into consideration for the preparation of AOP 2017. * GMTB budget will be adjusted back to what it was in 2015 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Challenges and Opportunities Recent Developments and UMAC Recommendations: NGGPS Phase 2: GFDL FV3 has been selected as dynamic core Phase 3: Operational implementation Implementation of FV3 into NEMS framework Implementation of Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Implementation of 4DEnVAR data assimilation Target: 10km, L128, April 2019 (only 30 months away) Unification of regional NWP systems at NCEP Consolidation of NAM, HRRR, SREF, HWRF High-resolution ensemble over continental U.S. Needed to support the missions of several NCEP centers 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Challenges and Opportunities Areas where DTC can contribute to help EMC implement recommendations from UMAC NGGPS: Assist NGGPS to evolve into a community model Testing FV3 for convective scale applications Unifying regional NWP Ensure requirements of current regional NWP systems can be met by a single dynamic core Test stochastic physics approach for single model ensemble High-resolution (3km) ensemble: Participate in its development, testing, post-processing, and evaluation 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Challenges and Opportunities Hurricane prediction: Work with EMC to develop a plan for the transition of HWRF Testing HRRR and FV3 for hurricane applications Data assimilation Collaborate with JCSDA on the support of regional/global operational data assimilation system Participate in the development of JEDI Verification Work with NOAA to continue to unify verification across various modeling groups and centers based on MET for both development and consolidated evaluation. Participate in the development of JEDI observation database 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016

Thank you! 2016 DTC SAB meeting, 14-15 September 2016