RFP Training April 2017
Why use rfps? You need to reimburse someone for out of pocket expenses (that are NOT travel related) You need to pay someone for work they did that totals less than $500 You are paying a prize You are paying an honorarium
Reimbursements The most common type you’ll generate Make sure you have a scanned copy of the receipt(s) you’ll be reimbursing DLCs are required to maintain original receipts for the current plus one fiscal year Reimbursements for food/meetings must include business purpose (topic), list of attendees, date and location Be sure to remove sales tax if you’re reimbursing for non-meals goods Reimbursements for computers and laptops at $1,000 or more require a purchase order. Reimbursements for servers of $3,000 or more require a purchase order.
Payment RFPs Payment of speaker fees, honoraria, and non-employee awards. Such taxable income must include payee’s permanent address and Social Security number. Payees are subject to tax and will receive a 1099 from AP Taxable income for non-resident recipients are subject to federal withholdings. Tax Treaty information and questions regarding withholding tax can be obtained by calling Cathy Cherico, 617-253-2768, or by visiting the IRS website. You do NOT need to upload a scanned receipt
Paper rfps Reimbursements for purchases over $5,000 require a paper RFP Wire transfer RFPs require a paper RFP You need to complete a requisition first In the req text be sure to state: reimbursement for NAME here, MIT ID # 999999999 If payee is not an MIT staff/student, you will need to upload a completed W-9 Upload a copy of the receipt(s) you are reimbursing to the req Get a paper req here: http://vpf.mit.edu/site/accounts_payable/forms Once a PO # is assigned to your req, complete the paper RFP and submit it to Accounts Payable
Submitting RFPs When you complete an RFP always send it to: Stephanie Gayle If I am out of office, send it to your Fiscal Officer Once I approve it, it moves to Accounts Payable If your RFP is rejected it will be returned to your RFP Inbox Rejected RFPs that you don’t resolve live on in the minds of AP, who send me emails every 10 days, so please fix them or send them to me for deletion.
Common mistakes Charging reimbursements to cost objects that did not/do not exist when the item was purchased Not listing topic, attendees, location on meetings reimbursements Failing to remove sales tax Trying to send travel receipts through (these must be processed in Concur) Not entering a cost object or g/l
Best practices Don’t create RFPs of longer than six itemizations (my eyes!) Match line one to page one of your uploaded receipts—this makes review MUCH easier If your RFP is rejected, be sure to fix it or delete it within ten days (if you don’t AP sends me nagging emails) Be sure of everything before you hit submit (getting things back—especially once they leave my Inbox, can be tough) Scans should be legible