I’m a budget manager. Now What?? Some basic guidelines for reconciling your budget.
You are responsible for a budget You are responsible for a budget. You know how to run your budget reports, but how do you know if your expenses are correct? What follows is a basic process for reconciling your budget. The first step is to run your Budget vs Actual Report. Here are instructions. This screen Shot needs Updating.
The Total is made up of Open Purchase Requests, dollars you have committed to spend, and Actual Expenses. NOTE: Only Actual Expenses will show up on a GL Detail Report. Let’s say that you thought you hadn’t purchased any Supplies yet for the new fiscal year. How do we find out what makes up this amount? Well, notice that $100 of the total is in the Open Purchase Requests column. You can run an Open PO/Req Report (under the Transaction Detail Reports), (Slide 23 in instructions) to see what the PO number is to research further. Direct any questions you may have regarding PO’s to the Director of Purchasing. For the Actual Expenses, let’s run a General Ledger Detail report for the 54500 account and see what kind of expenses are there. (If you need directions, refer to the link on the previous slide.)
Here is the Detail of what makes up the Actual Expenses in the Supplies account. Notice the total is only for what has been paid for. The difference is the Open Purchase Requests. If you find an expense that does not belong to you, or you are not sure what it is, email the Accounts Payable Supervisor. Please include this report with the questionable item indicated. They cannot research your question without it.
This is the Finance website. A fount of information! If you need to correct a transaction, you can find the form that the Accounts Payable Supervisor recommends you use under Forms.
This is the section of the Forms page that pertains to adjustments and/or corrections. Use the Budget Adjustments form for the Budget column ONLY. These forms are for correcting the ACTUAL expense column. Still not sure which form to use? Call me!
This listing is from the Contact Us choice on the Finance web page This listing is from the Contact Us choice on the Finance web page. This will help you decide who you need to talk to.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns. If you would like more in-depth training, please contact me at mpowers@georgefox.edu. Thank you! Melodee Powers