Definition Usage Target Group Availability Benefits More info Cost


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Presentation transcript:

Definition Usage Target Group Availability Benefits More info Cost Content: SAP Best Practices Rapid implementation leveraging pre-packaged know-how Cost Definition Solution that is easy to identify with implement adapt to specific requirements reuse entirely or just relevant parts Pragmatic methodology SAP Best Practices Usage Get a living and fully documented prototype and repository of pre-configuration that can easily be reused for other preconfigured solutions. Target Group Detailed documentation Proven preconfiguration SAP Consulting, Partners and (Customers) Time Risk Availability Internal note: supported by the SMB team Best Practices are available on SAP Service Marketplace Benefits Save time and money and achieve predicted results Manage project risk, avoid common beginners‘ mistakes Empowerment through competitive business expertise Fast track to extending your business solution with new SAP business processes Repository for flexibly reusable Business Content including all deliverables for installation, test and use No trial runs - start straight off with a fully documented prototype that is fully reusable Consistent approach focusing on integrated end-to-end business processes More info (Best Practices section)

SAP tools in Implementation Discovery Evaluation Implementation Operations Scenario and Process Content Repository SAP Business Case Builder SAP Solution Composer ASAP Roadmaps Best Practice Solution Manager

Definition Usage Target Group Availability Benefits More info Content: AcceleratedSAP Roadmaps Guidance and navigation for your implementation team Definition ASAP roadmaps outline the activities involved in implementing, upgrading, or enhancing SAP solutions enriched with set of deliverables, accelerators, role descriptions and additional guides Usage Provide content (work packages, activities, tasks, deliverables, accelerators) that can be used during the entire project lifecycle. Target Group Customers, Partners, SAP Consulting Availability The AcceleratedSAP Roadmap Content is: Accelerators: Documents (Templates, Checklists, Tips & Tricks, etc.) which can be used to support the creation of deliverables and/or support the execution of activities and tasks Processes & Procedures: Descriptions how to perform standard operations and activities within projects in a structured repeatable effective and efficient manner Deliverables: Descriptions of Work Output Items from the Project, attached are processes, procedures, accelerators, etc. as to how to achieve Activities & Tasks: Descriptions of Work Items which have to be performed in the Project, attached are processes, procedures, accelerators, etc. as to how to perform Milestones / Quality Gates: Check points with associated procedures and criteria which must be satisfied before subsequent steps in the Project can be started. Roles: Who is necessary in the Project, who is responsible for what. However, without a roadmap and the toolset it is not really possible to access and use the AcceleratedSAP Methodology Content in an effective manner. The AcceleratedSAP Roadmaps are your means of navigation for the successful Implementation (initial, upgrade, extension) of SAP Solutions ASAP Roadmaps are A clear path through the Methodology Content and Toolset identifying the Processes, Procedures, Tools, Accelerators, Contents etc which should be used and the order of usage to meet a particular predefined challenge. Structured in a Framework based on either a view based on the WBS (Phase, Work Package, Activity, Task) or Deliverables (Phase, Deliverables?) of the Project. The framework that keeps everything together - without a roadmap one would become very quickly lost in the forest of content. Flexible, scalable and tailorable to meet Project and Customer needs The roadmaps are made available through: SAP Solution Manager and SAP Service Marketplace Benefits Transparent, proven approach helping the project team to really work as a team and to reduce implementation time, costs and risks Achieve better results since you base your project on the experiences others made before. Both hard facts as well as soft skills are addressed Knowledge management - use the Implementation Roadmap for SAP solutions to gather knowledge on how to organize and run your implementation projects More info

Roadmaps Add Value to the Implementation When used properly, a roadmap will provide guidance on the following: Why you should do it What to do, and when to do it Who does it How to do it

How SAP delivers ASAP roadmaps AcceleratedSAP Roadmap delivered via SAP Service Marketplace and SAP Solution Manager

SAP Solution Manager in Implementation Design, Configure, Test and Go-live with SAP solution Definition Customer platform for Solution Design, Configuration, Testing and Operations Usage Team platform for Solution Design, Configuration, Testing & Message Handling Target Group Customers, Partners, SAP project resources Availability Get the SAP Solution Manager! The SAP Solution Manager is available worldwide for all SAP solutions. With the SAP Solution Manager, you can connect and monitor any SAP R/3 System down to SAP R/3 3.1I. For the use of implementation functions, the satellite systems need to have a release level of SAP R/3 4.6B or higher. Order SAP Solution Manager 3.1 via SAP Note 628901 All Software required for SAP Solution Manager will be shipped in one package. It is not necessary to order any software separately. Following ASAP Roadmaps are delivered through the SAP Solution Manager: Implementation Upgrade Global Template Solution Management Release 3.1 generally available Benefits Central point of access and support of key implementation activities Updated implementation content Process-driven solution Design, Configuration and Testing capabilities for ASAP and GlobalASAP projects Unique customizing distribution and comparison features Smooth hand-over to operations & central storage of project documentation More info

SAP tools in Operations Discovery Evaluation Implementation Operations Scenario and Process Content Repository SAP Business Case Builder SAP Solution Composer ASAP Roadmaps Best Practice Solution Manager

Definition Usage Target Group Availability Benefits More info Tool: SAP Solution Manager in Operations Realize ROI by operating your solution optimally Definition Customer platform for Implementing, Managing and Operating SAP Solutions Usage Platform for Monitoring, Services, Support and Message Handling Target Group All Technical and Operations Management teams Availability Release 3.1 generally available Benefits Monitor entire SAP landscape and core productive business processes centrally Service Level Management and Reporting Direct access to full range of SAP support services Centralized system administration Help Desk integrated with SAP Support More info

SAP tools in Engagement Life Cycle Discovery Evaluation Implementation Operations Scenario and Process Content Repository SAP Business Case Builder SAP Solution Composer ASAP Roadmaps Best Practice Solution Manager

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