Chris Tamborra K/1 Physical Education Chris Tamborra
About Mr. T Been teaching in Grafton 15 years. Masters of Education from Lesley University. Responsive Classroom trained consultant teacher. Won National Promising Practice for work on recess at South Grafton. Presented at various National and State Physical Education conferences.
PE Goals To create an environment where all children can learn. For children to be able to take risks in the gym and playing fields. To create a life long love for movement. For the children to learn basic movement skills in order to have the skills needed to pursue various sports and activities. Increase Activity Time
PE Rules Sneakers/hiking boots required for class. (no crocs, flips flops, boots or shoes with heals) Be ready to learn. Follow directions. Children will be creating Physical Education rules that follow Responsive Classroom tenets.
Movement Education The curriculum at NGES and SGES is based on the Movement Education approach. This approach uses basic locomotor and non locomotor skills called movement concepts. It is not a sports centered approach, where the focus is on seasonal sports such as Soccer, Basketball, and Lacrosse and Baseball, however we practice skills that help with each. The focus is on skills needed in all the sports one plays.
Movement Concepts or Skills Fundamental motor skills are the foundation for development of more complex and specialized motor skills used in games, sports, dance, and fitness activities. Ideally, movement concepts and fundamental motor skills should be learned during early childhood and elementary school. More likely to use these skills throughout lifetime when proficiency is achieved at a young age. Foundations of Physical Education and Sport , D. Wuest and Charles Augustus Bucher McGraw Hill 1999 13th edition.
Kindergarten Skill Focus Space Awareness Locomotor Skills Ball Skills Gymnastics Throwing and Catching Striking/Long Handled Equipment
Space Awareness/Locomotor Skills Children will… Learn about personal and general space Learn about the Play Zone and Danger Zone Practice moving in the gym using various locomotor skills. Work on other movement concepts such as levels and pathways.
1st Grade Skill Focus Controlling a ball (soccer, basketball) Gymnastics (balance, movements on mats) Throwing and Catching Striking and long handled implements
Soccer Focus on Controlling the ball A game of Skill and Control not Kick and Run.
Access to Curriculum Movement News (online and sent home) Twitter page @ Grafton Website @ Email