Classification – Ch 6.2 Page 196
Levels of Classification
Classification of humans
Animal: one of the five kingdoms of living things; multicellular organisms with a membrane as the outer layer and a distinct nucleus Cells: the building blocks of all living things Class: the division under phylum in the classification of living things Decomposers: bacteria and fungi responsible for the natural breakdowns of wastes Division: the level below kingdom in the classification of plants Family: the division in the classification system below order and above genus Gellum (plural flagella): whip like tail of a single-celled organisms Fungi (singular fungus): one of the five kingdoms of living things; multicellular or unicellular organisms with a cell wall as the outer covering and a distinct nucleus Genus (plural general): the division in the classification system below family and above species Kingdom: the first level of classifications Macroscopic: able to be seen without the help of a microscope Microscopic: cannot be seen without the help of a microscope Monera: one of the five kingdoms of living things; single-celled organisms without a distinct nucleus Multicellular: made of many cells Order: the division in the classification system below class and above family Phylum (plural phyla): the second level of classification of living things, below kingdom above class Plant: one of the five kingdoms of living things; multicellular organism with a cellulose cell wall as the outer layer and a distinct nucleus Protist: one of the five kingdoms of living things, consisting of a single-celled organism with a distinct nucleus Species: the last level of classification of living things Unicellular: made of only one cell.