Welcome to the July 14th Event Manager Webinar!
Saddle UP!
Fun facts We are 28 days until the Summit! There are currently 99,174 registrations at 452 satellite locations! 75 sites have met or exceeded registration goal! Almost a dozen sites expect to exceed 1,000 guests (9 sites in 2015)
2016 SUMMIT SCRIPTURE Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tender-hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as member of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. Colossians 3:12-15 NLT
Webinar Agenda Guest & Express Check-in Overview ADA Registrants Shipping Overview New Handout for 2016 GLS Offering Overview Reminders & Q&A Top-Rated Sites Details Announced
1. Guest & express check in Guests WRITE their name with permanent marker Laminated schedule on back Bill Hybels
Download the qr reader app “QR Check-In” for Apple and Android Find it in the App or Google Play store It’s a mobile phone App (so it will look different on iPad/tablet) On iPad, must search iPhone only Settings http://ticket.willowcreek.com/lss Security Code must be ON App password: PSALMS
Testing tickets http://ticket.willowcreek.com/LinkGenerator.aspx Enter a 7-digit registration number from your registration report on Summit Central in the ticket generator Hit Generate Link – ticket link will appear on the same page Click on ticket link to see a ticket
Tickets for express check-in
Printed tickets
Express check-in options All guests will have received their tickets by email 1st week of August Guests arrive with their printed ticket Use Mobile device at door Only collect tickets with edits Option 1 Collect all tickets at the door Scan the QR codes during 1st session Save tickets only if edited Option 2 Sort them by number or last name Check them in by hand on Summit Central Option 3
Tickets for express check-in; empty registrations Empty Registration Ticket
Entering names to empty registrations Currently have 21,575 empty registration Add names by… Edit registration on Summit Central (you can email link guests) Edit registration on the Summit (public) website *coming soon* Send names, registration numbers, and e-mail addresses to names@willowcreek.com until Friday July 22
Guest check-in & Registration solutions More detailed Guest Check-in & Registration Solutions information will be included the Operation webinars July 19th and 21st including… Walk-In guests Empty Registration w/o tickets Guests who are certain they registered but aren’t on any roster No Shows Lost Name badges Leftover Name badges
2. ADA registrants
3. Shipping Many Summit shipments arrive via UPS & FedEx – first shipments to arrive the week of July 27th Shipping Manifests will be emailed to Primary EM August 5th DO NOT OPEN YOUR BOXES UNTIL MONDAY, AUGUST 8th
4. New handout for 2016 Polished pebbles, .5-1.5 inches Look at craft stores and hardware stores – average $1.00/lb Home Depot ($17.99/20lb bag) Lowes ($5.50/5lb bag) Hobby Lobby ($2.99/3lb bag) “Make a ripple” with your GLS offering
5. Gls offering Ensure that you have offering collectors prepared to collect the offering during Session 7 Collection will take place between the 2 speakers, approximately 35 minutes into the session When sorting the collection please do the following: Keep all envelopes collected sealed and return in the Large GLS offering envelope provided by the WCA (use additional large envelope if needed)
Gls offering details Loose checks in the offering are enclosed with the sealed envelopes If a check is made out to your host site, please endorse over to the WCA and send it to us Loose currency and coin should be counted and the total amount noted in the space provided on the outside of the large GLS offering envelope A check in the amount of the LOOSE cash collected should be made out to the WCA and sent back in the envelope provided no later than Friday, August 12th
Gls offering details The GLS offering envelope with all the above contents should be included with your Registration paperwork in Registration Important Document Envelope and returned to the WCA in the Supply Box. A special video with more details about how the offering will be available end of July
Operations training webinars Webinar Training are coming up for the topics below. Recordings will also be available on Summit Central. Express and Guest Check-In & Name Badge Assembly (July 19th, 1:30pm CT) Set-Up, Strike and Ship (July 21st, 1:30pm CT) Registration Solutions (July 21st, 3:00pm CT)
6. Top-rated sites event This year’s Top Rated Sites Event will be October 24th-26th 4.8
THANKS FOR JOINING US TODAY! Don’t forget to register for the operations webinars on Summit Central! Express and Guest Check-In & Name Badge Assembly (July 19th, 1:30pm CT) Set-Up, Strike and Ship (July 21st, 1:30pm CT) Registration Solutions (July 21st, 3:00pm CT)
at our final webinar before the Summit on August 4th, 11:30am CT See you at our final webinar before the Summit on August 4th, 11:30am CT