Responsible for the TeIR VÁTI Hungarian Public Nonprofit Company for Regional Development and Town Planning National Regional Development and Spatial Planning Information System (TeIR) Géza Péter Juhász Responsible for the TeIR Email:
TeIR National Regional Development and Spatial Planning Information System (TeIR) URL: Operation: Hungarian Public Nonprofit Company for Regional Development and Town Planning (VATI) Principal:
Integrated Data Data examples: CSO Census and local statistic data from 1970 Unemployment statistics in quarterly breakdown from 1993 Personal and corporate income tax data from 1992 Regional Development Funds from 1999 Digital Topographical Base Map M=1:50000 (DTA50: MH-TÉHI) – supplemented by the data of the track line facilities in suburban areas Corine Landcover (FÖMI) Agrotopography (MTA-TAKI) Protected areas (Nature Preservation Office) Forestry database (Ministry of Agriculture, Forest Management service)
Law background, aim and accesibility since 1997 new statutory order (since 30.May 2007) aim of the system help for landscape and territorial planners in their work accessibility free accessible for non-profit companies, costs for commercial users In 2008: 1100 registered users from the central and local governmental offices
Most important TeIR modules Metadatabase modul Consist of a number of pre-defined elements, representing of the meta attributes of the spatial related data GIS module Includes several applications for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes of the spatial related data Statistical Data Analyzis modul Provide the ability to create customized reports, tables, and cartograms based on the system database
New development: T-MER module Work with spatial related, complex indicators Under construction… The end of the development project: dec. 2008
Thank you for the attention! Géza Péter Juhász Email: