By, Caroline Roddy, Jill Stasio, John Maffei Solar Power By, Caroline Roddy, Jill Stasio, John Maffei
Solar Energy Energy from solar rays. Is a renewable and widely available energy source.
Passive Solar Heating? Passive solar heating is accomplished when sunlight passes into a building and is trapped. The trapped light is absorbed by various materials inside a building and is reemitted as heat. Ex: is in a closes car gets very hot when through passive solar heating when the car is left in the sun.
Passive Solar Heating cont.
Active solar heating Active solar-heating system includes devices called solar collectors, which absorb and consecrate solar energy, and pumps and fans that either transfer the heat throughout the home or heat water.
Active Solar Heating cont. Ex. Inside the collector are water- or other liquid-filled tubes. The liquid is heated by the solar energy. Which is collected from a solar panel. The heated liquid is piped through a storage tank and warms more water inside the tank.
How is electricity produced?? Solar Thermal-Energy System: is the same thing as heat. In a solar thermal-energy system, huge computer- controlled mirrors track the sun as it moves across the sky the ,mirror reflect sunlight onto a curved mirror that in turn reflects the light onto a central point of a collector Electricity can also be produced from solar energy using photovoltaic cells
Photovoltaic Cells Photovoltaic Cells: Or solar cells, convert solar energy directly into electricity. When sunlight hits the cell small amounts of electric current are produced. Electric Current: Flow of electrons
Photovoltaic Cells cont.
Climate Issue Solar energy can only be collected during the day and in sunny weather. No carbon dioxide is released during the collection of solar energy, unlike burning of fossil fuels. Solar heading systems usage would bring a drop in air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels
Solar Devices Include: Irrigation pumps, water well pumps, calculators, computers, etc.
Benefits and Limitations Easy installation Affordable to maintain No carbon dioxide is released Can run for 30 years Will save homeowners 30%-40% of the cost of running a conventional heating system Limitations: Initial installation is more expensive than a gas or oil heating system In many places, sunlight is weaker and is available fewer hours during winter seasons. Thus solar energy must be stored for the times it is less obtainable.
The End!!!!!!