Order yours today February Akin Elementary Frog News Home of the Can Do Kids! “like” us on Facebook for the most updated information! P M Akin Facebook page. Upcoming Events 2/10 1:30-2:30 Valentine’s Day Party 2/10 Last day to order a Yearbook *info below 2/13 & 14 3rd & 4th Grade District Checkpoints * info below 2/15 6:45am Breakfast with Dad 2/16 4th Grade Field Trip to the Symphony 2/17 6:30-8:30pm Father & Daughter Dance at Akin *info below 2/20 No School – Teacher Professional Development Day Nurse Melissa Order yours today Order Form is below. Last day to order is 2/10. Cost is $25. Volunteer Background Check Form: https://web.wylieisd.net/BackgroundCheck/BkgroudCkForm.aspx Peachjar eflyers: https://www.peachjar.com/index.php?a=28&b=138®ion=42142
I ,, Buy your PM Akin Elementary School yearbook for only $25 ! Or, you may se lect a value package below. Orders due by February lOth. STUDENT'S NAME (PLEASE PRINT) HOMEROOM TEACHER NAME GRADE LEVEL Personalize Your Year book- $3 Please print your name as you would like it to appear on the first line of your Name Stamp below. The maximum number of characters you may use is 33 per line, including spaces. ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK I want to order:(circle one) My yearbook ONLY...............($25.00) Package 1...............................($28.00) Personalization- name stamp on cover Package 2A- 4th GRADE ONLY......($35.00) Yearbook ($25.00) & Baby Ad Y. page ($10.00) Package 28- 4th GRADE ONLY.....($38.00} Yearbook ($25.00) & Baby Ad Y. page ($10.00) & Personalization ($3.00) Package 3A- 4th GRADE ONLY.....($40.00} Yearbook ($25.00) & Baby Ad Y, page ($15.00) Package 3B- 4th GRADE ONLY.....($43.00) Yearbook ($25.00) & Baby Ad Y,page ($15.00) & Personalization ($3.00) Package 4A- 4th GRADE ONLY.....($50.00} Yearbook ($25.00) & Baby Ad full page ($25.00) Package 4B- 4th GRADE ONLY.....($53.00} Yearbook ($25.00) & Baby Ad full page ($25.00) & Personalization ($3.00) ,, Oth. Please make checks payable to Akin Return this form,completed,with the full amount by February Elementary. Cash and money orders are accepted. *To use a credit ca rd to order your yearbook ONLY,go to www.YearbookOrderCenter .com and use order number 13811. ,.,-, . j_ \ I ' : '• •• o
February 13 & 14th Schedule February 9, 2017 Dear Parents of 3rd & 4th Grade Students: Your child will be taking the 3rd & 4th Grade practice math and reading STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) on Monday and Tuesday, February 13th and February 14th. Students will have 4 hours to work each day. Although this is a practice assessment, we want students to be fully prepared. We recommend a good night’s sleep the evening before and a healthy breakfast each morning. It is important that your child be in attendance at school on these days. It is also important that they arrive by 7:30 AM. If your child is ill and cannot be present this day, they will be taking the assessment on the day that they return to school. Teachers use practice test data to make critical instructional decisions for each child. Students will eat lunch in their classroom both of these days, therefore parents and visitors will not be allowed on campus for lunch on these days. We recommend that they bring a water bottle and healthy snack with them to have during the testing session. If you have questions about our procedures on these days feel free to contact the office at 972-429-3403 or your child’s teacher. Sincerely, Magan Porter Akin Assistant Principal
Notes from Nurse Melissa
Wylie ISD App – Download Today! We are excited to introduce the Wylie ISD App! This app is a "one-stop-shop" for Wylie ISD parents and students. With the app, you can access student information — like grades, attendance, lunch balances and so much more! Download the app today! Search “Wylie ISD” in the App Store or Google Play Store, or click on one of the links below. Be sure to login to the app to access student data. Wylie ISD parents should have received an email with their login information from communications@wylieisd.net on Monday, January 2nd. If you did not receive this email, follow the directions below: Click on the “Login” icon within the Wylie ISD app. Click on “Forgot Password.” Enter your login ID, which is your username from Skyward. A link to reset your password will then be sent to your email on file. Once your password is reset, login in using your username and your new password. Help using and customizing the app is available by visiting our App Help Page.