LISD/MDE Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Framework


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Presentation transcript:

LISD/MDE Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Framework Lenawee ISD August 18-19, 2014

Agenda Introductions MTSS Framework Overview & Self Assessment Assessment & Data Analysis MTSS and School Improvement Implementation & Inquiry Process MTSS Resources

MAISA/MDE MTSS Participation 2013 Allegan Bay/Arenac Berrien COP Clare/Gladwin Copper Country Eastern UP Genesee Gratiot/Isabella Jackson Kent Macomb Marquette/Alger Monroe Montcalm Muskegon Saginaw St. Clair St. Joseph Tuscola Wexford/Missaukee 2014 Calhoun Charlevoix/Emmet Eaton Lenawee Shiawassee Traverse Bay Area Van Buren

MAISA/MDE MTSS Grant Initiative Focus Stage Description Exploration/Adoption Decision regarding commitment to adopting the program/practices and supporting successful implementation. Installation Set up infrastructure so that successful implementation can take place and be supported. Establish team and data systems, conduct audit, develop plan. Initial Implementation Try out the practices, work out details, learn and improve before expanding to other contexts. Elaboration Expand the program/practices to other locations, individuals, times- adjust from learning in initial implementation. Continuous Improvement/Regeneration Make it easier, more efficient. Embed within current practices. Should we do it? MAISA/MDE MTSS Grant Initiative Work to do it right! MiBLSi Work to do it better!

RtI MTSS Discuss your understanding of RtI and MTSS. How are the terms currently being used by your organization? You local districts/schools?

Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework MTSS is an integrated, multi-tiered system of instruction, assessment and intervention designed to meet the academic achievement and behavioral health needs of ALL STUDENTS. MTSS is meant to be embedded into the school improvement process to provide a framework for meeting the needs of ALL STUDENTS.

School-Wide System of Supports for Student Success Intensive Intervention Individualized, functional assessment, highly specific 5% Targeted Intervention Supplemental, some students, reduce risk Universal Intervention Core Instruction Differentiation All students Preventive 15% 80%

New MTSS Graphic

MTSS Not Regular Education Not Special Education Education

Instruction & then Interventions Scientifically research-based (peer reviewed & evidence based) Has a high probability of producing change for large numbers of students Is designed to be used in a standard manner across student populations Targeted assistance based on benchmark and screening data Administered by classroom teacher, specialized teacher, or external interventionist

Essential Framework Elements Implement effective instruction for all children Intervene Early Provide multi-tiered model of instruction and intervention Utilize a collaborative problem solving model Assure Research based core curriculum

Essential Framework Elements 6. Implement research-based, valid interventions and instruction 7. Monitor progress to inform instruction 8. Use data to make instructional decisions 9. Use assessments for screening, diagnostics, and progress monitoring 10. Implement with fidelity 11. Engage parents and community (& STUDENTS!)

MTSS Cluster Areas 1. Instruction and Interventions (Tiers I, II, & III) 2. Problem Solving 3. Implementation of Evidence-based Practices 4. Data and Assessment 5. Stakeholder Engagement

MTSS Cluster Areas Instruction and Intervention Implement effective instruction for all children Intervene Early Provide multi-tiered model of instruction and intervention

MTSS Cluster Areas Problem Solving Utilize a collaborative problem solving model

MTSS Cluster Areas Implementation of Evidence-based Practices Assure research based core curriculum (aligned with Michigan’s state standards) Implement evidence-based, valid interventions and instruction Implement with fidelity

MTSS Cluster Areas Data and Assessment Monitor progress to inform instruction Use data to make instructional decisions Use assessments for universal screening, diagnostics, and progress monitoring

MTSS Cluster Areas Stakeholder Engagement Engage parents and community (and students!)

What’s your role? Individually list the roles/functions of each area on the sheet (ISD, District, Building). This PowerPoint slide uses images, custom animation, and timing to provide a countdown timer that you can use in any presentation. When you open the template, you’ll notice that the timer is set at 00:00. However, when you start the slide show, the timer will start at the correct time and count down by 1-minute intervals until it gets to 1 minute. At that point, it will count down in two 30-seconds intervals to 00:00. To insert this slide into your presentation Save this template as a presentation (.ppt file) on your computer. Open the presentation that will contain the timer. On the Slides tab, place your insertion point after the slide that will precede the timer. (Make sure you don't select a slide. Your insertion point should be between the slides.) On the Insert menu, click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab. Click Browse, locate and select the timer presentation, and then click Open. In the Slides from Files dialog box, select the timer slide. Select the Keep source formatting check box. If you do not select this check box, the copied slide will inherit the design of the slide that precedes it in the presentation. Click Insert. Click Close.

How Ready Is Your District?

Score Sheet Activity

Score Sheet Activity Using your score sheet, individually rate where you think your distric is at with implementation of each essential element of MTSS with 1 = Not At All and 5 = Fully For the cluster areas with 3 elements added together, take the total score for all 3 and divide it by 3. Write this number in the box for later use.

Score Sheet Activity Using your score sheet, as a Team calculate the average score for your district’s implementation of each essential element of MTSS. Record results on the Team Convergence/Divergence Chart

How well is your system supporting these areas? Report Out by Team

Score Sheet Gap Analysis Activity

Team Gap Analysis Activity Working with your team, use the “Team Convergence/Divergence” sheet to analyze the varying perspectives you hold on your district’s implementation of MTSS. For each cluster area listed, take the highest score from your team and subtract the lowest score from your team. A higher number indicates a larger gap (divergence), while a lower number indicates more agreement (convergence). Use the questions below the table to guide your discussion around your team’s perception data.

Current Initiatives Working with your team: 1. List all current initiatives (instructional, curricular, behavioral) that your district is doing 2. Categorize them within the framework cluster areas

Data & Assessment

Assessment The difference between a formative and summative assessment has also been described as the difference between a physical and an autopsy

Three Assessment Types Universal Screening Progress Monitoring Diagnostic

Universal Screening Dip stick – 3 times/year – ALL STUDENTS System view of student progress Ability to drill down from the district level to the student level Data management and analysis is key!

Progress Monitoring Used to determine if level of instruction is working At risk students monitored every two weeks - most intensive needs students monitored weekly Short, probe assessments of reading fluency/mathematics - most common

Diagnostic What instruction does this student need? What is the student able to do – their present level of performance? Administer assessment of concepts to determine the proper instructional format (whole class vs. small group) and instructional objectives

How well is your system supporting assessment and data-based decision making? Use the Guiding Principles of MTSS Practice Profile and a highlighter to identify where you are at in supporting these areas.

How are you currently using or supporting the use of assessments to make instructional decisions? Use the Guiding Principles of MTSS Practice Profile to guide your discussion.

MTSS & School Improvement

School Improvement is LAW Schools are required to submit a 3-5 year plan annually Districts are required to submit a 3-5 year plan supporting their schools annually ISDs are required to submit a 3-5 year plan supporting their districts annually Plans must include goals, objectives, strategies, and activities

School Improvement Process through an MTSS Lens Goals Objectives Strategies Activities Resources Goal: Broad goal statement (academic or organizational) Objective: S.M.A.R.T. Strategy: Adult actions – Teacher will… Activity: Specific action – road map

Sample SIP Items Goal: All students will be proficient in reading. Objective: 85% of all students will demonstrate a proficiency in all reading standards in ELA by 06/30/2022 as measured by state level assessment, where an annual 4% increase will occur from the baseline of 46% in 2011. Strategy: Teachers will use _________, an evidence-based strategy in the classroom. Activity: Teachers attend prof. learning in _______ .

School Improvement Process through an MTSS Lens Goals Objectives Strategies Activities Resources With your team, write a goal, objective, strategy, and activities through an MTSS lens.

MTSS & SI How is MTSS currently embedded within your District/School Improvement Process? How could intentionally embedding this work enhance a SIP/DIP?


A poorly implemented program can lead to failure as easily as a poorly designed one. - Mihalic, Irwin, Fagan, Ballard & Elliott, 2004

What We Have from Statewide Implementation Nationally Full implementation with integrity takes 3-5 years. Integration of academic and behavior problem-solving is critical Level of implementation is directly related to student outcomes Level of adult readiness directly correlates to level of implementation Implementation is a district-wide systems change process Success of Tiers 2 and 3 determined by effectiveness of Tier 1 This HAS TO BE an all education initiative On-going evaluation is critical to implementation effectiveness

Exploration/Adoption Focus Stage Description Exploration/Adoption Decision regarding commitment to adopting the program/practices and supporting successful implementation. Installation Set up infrastructure so that successful implementation can take place and be supported. Establish team and data systems, conduct audit, develop plan. Initial Implementation Try out the practices, work out details, learn and improve before expanding to other contexts. Elaboration Expand the program/practices to other locations, individuals, times- adjust from learning in initial implementation. Continuous Improvement/Regeneration Make it easier, more efficient. Embed within current practices. Should we do it? Work to do it right! Work to do it better!

Successful Student/Family Outcomes Why: Program/Initiative (set of practices) What: Core Implementation Components Staff capacity to support and implement with fidelity the selected practices Institutional capacity to support staff in implementing practices with fidelity Competency Drivers Organization Drivers How: Leadership Capacity to provide direction/vision of process © Fixsen & Blase, 2008

Successful Student/Family Outcomes Program/Initiative (set of practices) Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Systems Intervention Training Facilitative Administration Competency Drivers Organization Drivers Integrated & Compensatory Selection Decision Support Data System Leadership Adaptive Technical © Fixsen & Blase, 2008

District Capacity and Planning

Tools & Resources

Tools for Guidance MDE Guidance Document MDE RtI-MTSS Vision, Definition and Essential Elements RtI-MTSS Inquiry Process RtI-MTSS Essential Elements and Explicit Practices Chart (Classroom, Building, District, ISD, State) - Revisions coming soon! School Improvement Framework Document - Revisions approved!

Research-Based Website Resources Find What Works This feature of the What Works Clearing House helps find interventions that address your school or district's academic needs and summarizes their evidence of effectiveness. Interventions can be searched by domain (academic achievement, dropout prevention, language development, mathematics/science, personal/social development, reading/writing, grade (PK-12), population (English language learners, special education)

Resources & References MiBLSi RtI Action Network Center on Instruction National Center on Response to Intervention George Batsche – University of South Florida What Works Clearinghouse Institute of Education Sciences (IES) McREL Florida, Colorado, Kansas National Implementation Research Network (NIRN)

Contact Information MTSS Framework Technical Assistance Data and Assessment Bill Brown Stan Masters 265-1636 265-1606 School Improvement Brian Jones 265-6988