update By ….. June 2014
April 2010 – MMS review System not meeting requirements of members Risk in technology used and concerns: lifespan and capability Current system not fit for purpose
Consultation Two surveys (3,000 and 1,000 responses) One-to-one telephone conversations Section Leaders Group Scout Leaders Executive members
Buying the new system Leaders and Executive involved in specification Thorough procurement procedure Solution based on proven standard package using standard technology Contractor chosen with a great track record Software for charities and membership organisations Over 1,000 customer organisations Over 1,200 staff
What we are getting... A robust, reliable and adaptable system provided by a very experienced supplier. As previously: View and edit your own information (including other areas such as social media details). Ability to add and update role information, training records, permit records, service history and awards. Submit and track scouting processes online. “Scouting processes” includes the adult joining process and CRB checks.
What we are getting... New functionality: Better and easier searching functions – multiple selection criteria. Reports based on searches: output to Local printer PDF document CSV document for spreadsheets Possibly to send txt messages. Send emails to multiple recipients.
What we are getting... New functionality: adult Nominate awards online. Record additional information (e.g. emergency contact, line manager). View Group/District/County information according to role and switch views easily. ‘line manager’ : we can contact/notify the right people when reviews are due/awards are sent etc.
What we are getting... New functionality: adult Easier recording of adult training Print a Personal Learning Plan Record the name of a Training Adviser against a Personal Learning Plan More flexibility in the recording of role titles to better reflect what titles people are given locally
What we are getting... New functionality: adult Ability to opt in to communications based on interest, rather than role. Ability to manage joining enquiries if desired. Better recording of ongoing learning. Manage the process for assessment of and granting of permits online. Manage joining enquiries: a system to record what we do with people who want to join us.
What we are getting... New functionality: young person More information about youth members (e.g. hobbies, emergency contact, email and social media – age appropriate). Record badge progress. QSA recorded and approved online. Events, camps, evening meetings planned online and linked to badge requirements.
What we are getting... New functionality: young person Young Leader training (which missions etc., what was done, when it was done). Completion of elements of a badge, or the whole badge. Completion date and presentation date (use to plan presentation events or check what badges to order). Link to activities (e.g. camps) and be prompted when next badge gained.
Further information: Website: www. scouts. org Further information: Website: Compass User Guides: Email:
Any Questions? Thank you!