Planning Center Online PCO App For Iphone or Android
PCO App Download Download Planning Center Services on your phone (iPhone or Android) You will receive an email inviting you to the PCO once your application is processed.
PCO Scheduling Block out dates that you are not available to serve for the next month and future dates. Make sure you confirm the scheduled date that PCO has requested you to serve asap. When you are confirmed to serve on a scheduled date and you find that you can’t make it, please try to contact other team members to replace you and notify Alicia or Pastor Antonio that you have a replacement.
PCO Confirmation You will be notified by email, click on link and it will open up PCO for you to confirm. In the PCO app, your scheduled date will show up here.
PCO Blocking Dates Click here Enter Blockouts
PCO Blocking Dates Enter start and end date and hit Save Enter Blockouts Enter your reason Enter reason here
Comfirmed in PCO and now you can’t make it due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances NO WORRY!
It’s easy for you to find a replacement Go to your PCO App Click here Click this people icon You will get a CCI People directory
PCO Directory & Filtering 1) Click on this to Filter and find your team 2) Enter Teams tab 3) Select your service
PCO Directory & Filtering 4) Select Little Lights or Shine Ministry 5) Select your role 6) Find a replacement by contacting people from this filtered list.
Replacement Once you find a replacement, contact your coordinator and/or Pastor Antonio to notify him. If you couldn’t find a replacement, contact Pastor Antonio Pliego.