Swakopmund desalination plant EIA: Numerical modelling results Hardus Diedericks CSIR NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ENVIRONMENT
Outline Assumed project description Assumptions and limitations of the study Model results: waves, hydrodynamics, brine discharge and sediment transport Additional requirements Guidelines
Project description Provide numerical results to assess potential environmental impacts Brine disposal at two possible intake/discharge pipe layouts Sediment impacts at an intake basin Results are for an EIA
Conceptual layout of intake & discharge structures
Limitations and assumptions Assessment based on project description as supplied Uncertainties: Pipeline locations, orientation, distance between intake and discharge pipes (parallel and perp.) Potable Water Produced (m3/day) Brine Discharge Volumes Intake Volumes Discharge Salinity (ppt) Increased Discharge Temperature (deg C) 80 000 90 000 170 000 65.9 1.0
Limitations and assumptions Near-field behaviour based on conceptual designs, very near-field not resolved Diffuser length 200 metres 3D modelling needs improved input data and calibration data
Input data: NCEP waves
Wave reliability NCEP vs Slangkop wave climate Annual Hmo exceedance: Slangkop (NCEP) 1% 5% 10% 25% 50% 6.1 4.8 4.2 3.3 2.6 (5.7) (4.4) (3.8) (2.9) (2.3)
Input data: bathymetry
Model results: waves
Wave applications Waves are used in hydrodynamic simulations (per month (season)) Make a look-up table (rapid transformation) (1997 – 2008)
Waves at northern discharge position Pipe orientation approx 249o Waves approx 225o All waves
Waves at locations (10 years) Northern location Southern location Proposed basin
Hydrodynamic modelling Input requirements Wind, waves, offshore water temperature, surface heat fluxes (all concurrent) Bathymetry, beach profiles, D50 Calibration and verification data Simulation periods Jan 2007 (summer) June 2007 (winter) Calm season (still to do)
Input data: Winds (NCEP)
Model results: Currents
Model results: Currents
Near-field behaviours
Model results: Salinity (north option)
Model results: Salinity (south option)
Basin bathymetry
Suspended sediment transport
Required information Hydrodynamics: wind and atmospheric data Hydrodynamics: calibration data (ADCP) Details of discharge and intake pipe locations Chemical discharged (biocides) Nearshore beach profiles at basin site Median grain sizes (offshore and onshore)
Analyses of results Salinity, temperature, biocides and achievable dilutions 80% to 99% exceedance contours Days of exceedance of a selected guideline
WQ Guidelines Salinity (< 1 psu or < 36 psu; < 40 psu) Temperature (ΔT < 1ºC; ANZECC) Biocides (< 3 µg/ℓ) Achievable Dilutions (nominally > 100)