Bone Injuries and Diseases Osteoporosis The spongy tissue in bones breaks down, making the bone brittle and more susceptible to damage/breaking. This becomes more common with age.
Bone Injuries and Diseases Bone Cancer Osteosarcoma – Cancer of bone tissue Leukemia – Cancer infects the marrow (red and white blood cell production center)
FRACTURES Simple Fracture – a clean break that does not penetrate the skin tissue.
FRACTURES Compound Fracture – a clean break that penetrates the skin
FRACTURES Comminuted Fracture Bone breaks into multiple fragments Common in the elderly
FRACTURES Compression Fracture – the bone is crushed under pressure. Common in spongy areas of bone, and in the spine.
FRACTURES Depression Fracture – Bone is sunken in. Common on hollow bones and bones that form cavities.
FRACTURES Impaction Fracture – Bones are forced into each other. Common when arms/legs are used to absorb the impact of a fall.
FRACTURES Spiral Fracture – results from a twisting force on the bone, causing it to snap. Can be simple or compound. This break is seen most often as a result of a sports injury.
FRACTURES Greenstick Fracture – An incomplete fracture that got its name because it resembled a stick breaking. Found most often in small children due to their bones still beings mostly cartilage, and therefore flexible.
The Axial Skeleton The axial skeleton is composed of the skull and all its bones, the spine, rib cage, and sternum.
The Axial Skeleton The Skull Comprised of the cranium and facial bones 22 bones total Cranium protects the brain and is made up of 8 bones Facial bones allow for eye position and muscular attachment, and is made up of 14 bones The Mandible is the only free-moving bone
The Axial Skeleton The Hyoid Bone Not directly connected to anything by connective tissue Coordinates tongue movement Neck muscles attach to it to aid in speaking and swallowing
The Axial Skeleton The Spine Broken into 3 major sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar Cervical – 7 vertebrae Thoracic – 12 vertebrae Lumbar – 5 vertebrae Cervical Atlas holds the head
The Axial Skeleton Sacrum and Coccyx Sacrum is made of 5 fused bones Coccyx is made of 4 fused bones Coccyx is a remnant of what used to be our tail
The Axial Skeleton Vertebrae Protect the spinal cord Thoracic vertebrae provide attachment point for ribs
The Axial Skeleton Intervertebral Disks Act as shock absorbers Mainly composed of water They lose water and compress over time, which is why you “shrink” when you get older
The Axial Skeleton Disks can rupture, causing excessive pain and hinder movement.
The Axial Skeleton Disorders in spine curvature can occur, resulting in scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis.
The Axial Skeleton Rib Cage We have 24 ribs that all have attachment points along the spine Their primary job is to protect organs The sternum provides additional support and protection
The Axial Skeleton We have a total of 24 ribs (12 pairs) There are 3 types of ribs True Ribs (red) connect directly to the sternum via cartilage False Ribs (green) connect to the cartilage of the last true rib, and are not directly connected to the sternum Floating Ribs (blue) are only connected to the spinal cord
The Appendicular Skeleton The appendicular skeleton is made up of the shoulder girdle and its attached appendages, as well as the pelvic girdle and its attached appendages.
The Appendicular Skeleton The Shoulder Girdle is made up of the clavicle and scapula.
The Appendicular Skeleton The arm and hand are made up of several bones. The humerus attaches directly to the shoulder girdle. The ulna and radius attach to the humerus proximally and the carpals distally There are 6 carpal bones The metacarpals are between the carpals and phalanges The phalanges are comprised of 3 bones each.
The Appendicular Skeleton The pelvis is comprised of 6 bones that are fused together The female pelvis is wider in comparison to the male pelvis The male pubic arch is 90 degrees or less, the female pubic arch is more than 90 degrees
The Appendicular Skeleton The femur attaches directly to the pelvis The tibia and fibula attach to the femur proximally and to the talus distally. The patella “floats”, held in place by ligaments and tendons There are 7 tarsal bones, including the talus and calcaneus (heel) The metatarsals are between the tarsals and phalanges There are 14 phalanges. The big toe is the only one that is in 2 segments, not 3.
Joint Disorders Dislocations occur when a ball and socket or saddle joint is popped out of the joint. This usually results in ligament damage and the need for corrective surgery.
Joint Disorders Separations occur when bone joints that do not completely interconnect, but are linked by connective tissue, have that connection stretched out of shape, or destroyed completely. This, in some instances, can be treated if it is just stretched, but if there is a tear, surgery is needed.
Joint Disorders A sprain occurs when there is a violent pulling or twisting of a joint that results in the swelling of the joint and damage of the connective tissue, but no dislocation or separation.
Joint Disorders Bursitis occurs when synovial fluid leaks from the bursa sac into the joint and surrounding areas. This results in discomfort, pain, and can hinder range of motion. In moderate cases, the affected area can be drained.
Joint Disorders Arthritis occurs when there is an inflammation of the joint tissue, due to either cartilage erosion or swelling from bone damage. Arthritis is common in the elderly, and in people who perform repetitious activities, like athletes or writers.