EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Bachelor of Science – Marine & Nuclear Engineering, US Merchant Marine Academy, 1982 Master of Engineering Administration, George Washington University, 1987 Senior Executive Fellows, Harvard, 2002 Licenses held: NRC License: Senior Reactor Operator, Boiling Water Reactor, E.I. Hatch Nuclear Station (1988-1990) Naval Reactors Certification: Reactor Shift Test Engineer - A4W & S6G Plants (1984-87) USCG – 3rd Assistant Engineer, Unlimited Horsepower, Steam and Diesel Plants (1982-2002) US Navy – Engineering Duty Officer, 1982-2012
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE AECOM N&E Technical Services – 1 Year Lead the AECOM Nuclear Safety Functional Area Core Team-Corporate responsibility for working with affiliates, resolving issues and supporting site needs, deliverables and mission. Conducted a variety of reviews across DOE including QA Program Reviews, Contractor Readiness Assessments, Operational Excellence, Root Cause Analysis, Management Review Boards, and Safety Basis Review Committees. Developed and conducted AECOM corporate training on root cause analysis; training over 50 personnel across the AECOM portfolio. Developed proposal and conducted orals for a construction management services contract. Served as staff augmentation and led a root cause analysis team to identify long term corrective actions. Serve on Safety Design Integration Team and prepare Safety Design Strategies to meet project deliverables.
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE US Department of Energy, 24 Years Served as EM, SC and NE Chief of Nuclear Safety from 2006-2015 Led or participated in over 25 Construction Project Peer Reviews of SWPF, WTP, DUF6, NSLS, and IWTU. Led a group of 7 technical experts in engineering, tritium, safety analysis, criticality safety, quality assurance and software quality assurance to provide technical support to the Department's major projects and perform nuclear safety oversight. Developed the Standard Review Plan for conducting oversight of various aspects of DOE Projects including critical decision milestones. Led or participated in numerous Operational Readiness Reviews for NNSA, NE, and EM. Participated in the original development of DOE 5480.31, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities US Navy Reserve, 30 years Variety of assignments over the years involving ship construction, operations, and design. Worked on life cycle maintenance plan for Gerald R Ford in last assignment. Recalled to active duty for operations support for Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom.
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Florida Power & Light Senior nuclear licensing engineer responsible for USQ evaluations, FSAR updates, and licensing activities for the emergency diesel and security upgrade projects and prepared the Turkey Point Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment Prepared the response to post- LOCA hydrogen generation in containment issue for Turkey Point; conducted all calculations, and developed emergency response procedures. Wrote design standards applicable to Turkey Point and St. Lucie to assist the company in assuming design engineering responsibility; developing its in-house own design capability. Georgia Power Company Senior Reactor Operator, supervised a shift crew in the operation of a 800MWe BWR. Qualified Emergency Director and Fire Brigade Leader. Shutdown Unit 2 from a world record run of 423 days for continuous time on line for a BWR Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company Directed all phases of reactor plant testing including cold and hot operations, initial criticality and power range testing. Conducted mechanical and electrical systems testing on overhauls and new construction carriers.
POTENTIAL GAPS, NEEDS, CONCERNS Achieving readiness – What does it mean and how do you know you’ve achieved it. Development of Critical Performance Elements for demonstration of performance Safety Management Programs Treat nuclear projects differently than non-nuclear For New Nuclear Projects, develop commissioning approaches at CD-3 and make it part of the package Startup Plans and Plans-of-Action are needed earlier in the process for new nuclear construction projects Site integration ICDs, Construction & Interface Tie-ins SMPs, Work Control Integration