Sean Lyons EEL4665C- IMDL Spring 2014 3/20/14 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering AROSOL Final Report Sean Lyons EEL4665C- IMDL Spring 2014 3/20/14
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator Summary: As a lifelong hobby musician, sound is one of my favorite areas in engineering for projects. The challenge was to build a robot that can “hear” even in a noisy room: 0.97 cent electret mics Op-Amps from Junior Design Styrofoam bowls Lessons Learned: Analog is challenging, audio is very challenging. Precision analog audio with cheap components is VERY CHALLENGING
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator Binaural Sound:
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator Final Product: Features (“The Pudding”) Sound Localization Use Op-Amps, Instrumentation Amps, Comparators, and passive components to determine (within ~100 degrees) the source of sound. Object Recognition Use openCV to detect color of sound generator to aide the ears in finding the sound. Obstacle Detection/Avoidance Use low level (IR/Bump) sensors to gather environment data Arrive at location without collision
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator Reality Dream
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator Road to Demo Day Smooth Sound Localization By nature is a “jerky” process (reading from each ear as binary) Implement LibSerial (C++) Get working vision code on Raspberry Pi to talk to motor drivers via USART Finalize “the sandbox” Find out limitations of design and limit test/ demo environment to account for it. Finalize ODOA code
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator Mics Active Band Pass Filter (two channel) Instrumentation Amp 1000x Gain Envelope Detector RC filtered Comparator 2 bit output Microcontroller Analog to the rescue!
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator
AROSOL – Autonomous Roving Sound Locator Future Work/Thanks: Use a DSP. Did I mention using a DSP? Redesign analog using precision passive components or IC filters. Get speech detection working.