Friday 6 – Friday 13th February Session 1: 8.30am PPE – Pre Public Exams Friday 6 – Friday 13th February Session 2: 11.20am See our website for more details
1pm – Early lunch (all students) Friday 6 February 1pm – Early lunch (all students) 1.30pm start Maths Non-Calculator Edexcel Higher (HALL) OCR Foundation (GYM) Maths Calculator Paper 1 Edexcel Certificate (GYM)
ENGLISH LITERATURE IMMERSION (Groups on next slide) Monday 9th February Session 1: 8.30am ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Extended (HALL) Core (GYM) History: all students in the HALL Session 2: 11.20am PERIOD 3 & 4: If you don’t have a pass: ENGLISH LITERATURE IMMERSION (Groups on next slide)
Immersion is for all students who did not graduate by the deadline and earn a pass. If you have a pass, you can sign out and go home. If you remain on site, you must be with a teacher
PERIOD 5: Monday - Friday ALL YEAR 11 STUDENTS CAN GO HOME AT THE END OF THEIR SESSION 2 EXAM. If you leave before lunch, you must sign out. If you wish to stay on site, you must sign in at student support after lunch and ensure you are with a teacher. You cannot be on site unsupervised
SCIENCE IMMERSION (Groups on next slide) Tuesday 10th February Session 1: 8.30am English Literature: Higher (HALL) Foundation (GYM) Geography – The Human Environment: HALL Session 2: 11.20am PERIOD 3 & 4: If you don’t have a pass: SCIENCE IMMERSION (Groups on next slide)
Immersion is for all students who did not graduate by the deadline and earn a pass. If you have a pass, you can sign out and go home. If you remain on site, you must be with a teacher
(Groups on next slides) Don’t do RE? Go to Mr Corrall Wednesday 11th February Session 1: 8.30am OCR STUDENTS: If you don’t have a pass….. SCIENCE 11y1, 11y2, 11z2 (HALL) 11y3, 11z1, 11z3 (GYM) Spanish (ALL STUDENTS): Listening foundation (HALL); Listening Higher (Training Room) Product Design (GYM) Child Development (GYM) Period 1&2: OCR Catch Up (V1) (List on next slides) Session 2: 11.20am PERIOD 3&4: If you don’t have a pass: RE IMMERSION (Groups on next slides) Don’t do RE? Go to Mr Corrall Child Development/Product Design clashes You will sit these exams on Friday session 2.
MATHS IMMERSION (groups on next slide) Thursday 12th February Session 1: 8.30am NO PASS: If you don’t do re: LAB (Room 3) RE: Religion & Life/Society Z-side (HALL); Y-side (GYM) Drama (Hall) Food & Nutrition (Hall) Graphics (Hall) Resistant Materials (Hall) Session 2: 11.20am PERIOD 3 & 4: If you don’t have a pass: MATHS IMMERSION (groups on next slide)
Maths Calculator: Edexcel Higher (HALL) Friday 13th February Session 1: 8.30am Maths Calculator: Edexcel Higher (HALL) OCR Foundation / Edexcel Certificate (GYM) FRENCH: Foundation - M4; Higher - Training Room Dance (Hall) Film Studies (Hall) Information Technology (Hall) Computer Science (Hall) Child Development/Product Design clashes (Hall) Session 2: 11.20am If you don’t have a pass: YOU MAY GO HOME!