I am David By Anne Holm
Summary: Chapter 5 David enjoyed the bathroom, brushing his teeth and, especially, being able to read. He asked if he could read a book published before 1917 (the year the Communists came to power in Russia). David could not understand why the children did not like reading, learning and washing.
The children found it strange that David did not want to play at soldiers capturing people. David said that no-one had any right over anyone else. David liked Andrea and the two little boys, but thought that Carlo was evil. David, however, felt most at ease with Maria.
Andrea showed David a globe and on it he could see how he should travel to reach Denmark. Drinking milk and vitamins reminded him of something: the man had given him milk with vitamins in it. He was puzzled by this memory. The memories made him wonder more than ever who he really was.
One evening David overheard the children’s mother and father talking about him. The mother said she did not like David’s influence on the children. She said David was strange and she was sure that he was lying about the circus. David knew he had to leave immediately.
He wrote the parents a note wherein he thanked them for everything, but stated that he had never done anyone any harm. Maria surprised him just before he wanted to leave. She gave him a gold cross to wear around his neck. David promised that he would always think of her.