Welcome to Cinnaminson High School Junior Parent Night
Post–Secondary Options? Community Colleges (Associates Degree) Two Year Private Colleges (Associates Degree) Public Colleges/Universities Private Colleges/Universities Liberal Arts Schools Ivy League Schools Specialized Institutions (art, music, culinary arts, etc.) Technical Schools
Searching for the Right College Speak to college reps during lunches in the café in the fall Conferences with high school counselor & come prepared to Senior Meeting SuperMatch college search in Naviance will be done in April connection.naviance.com/cinnaminsonhs Use this tool to search majors, careers, and colleges www.collegeboard.com College search tool on website
Searching for the Right College College Fairs & Campus tours Speak with Admissions Counselors Visit Financial Aid Office Visit the Student Center Speak with faculty and students Read the student campus newspaper Sit in on a class of interest Visit the “other” side of campus (beyond the tour) Refer to College Visit Checklist
Searching for the Right College * * Naviance Highlights Colleges (Tab) Upcoming College Visits to CHS link College Research Section SuperMatch College Search College Lookup College Compare Scattergrams Career (Tab) “Do What You Are” Career Interest Profiler About Me (Tab) Tasks (*) Resume Profile (GPA & Rank)
Things to Consider Size of school Location Distance from home Activities/Athletics Public/Private Housing options Entrance requirements Entrance difficulty Reputation of School Majors available Financial Aid available Cost Campus personality Placement office on campus Resources available
Understanding Admission Factors Strength of Curriculum 68% Admission Test Scores ACT/SAT 59% Essay or Writing Sample 25% Counselor Recommendation Letter 19% Class Rank 19% Teacher Recommendation Letter 17% Subject Test Scores (AP) 7% Portfolio and/or Interview 6% SAT Subject Test 5% Extra Curricular Activities 5% Work/Volunteer or Community Service 2%
Applying to College: Senior Packets will be distributed to all juniors by the end of the school year in June Begin thinking of two teachers who will write recommendation letters College essays should be error–free for submission (edit carefully) Choose five colleges including “Safety”, “Realistic” & “Reach” Senior Meetings will be scheduled for every student to discuss post- secondary plans beginning in October Refer to the Senior Parent Tip Sheet for ideas on how to support your child through the college admission process
Applying to College Develop and/or update Resume in Naviance Plan to take SAT or ACT this spring and next fall Attend Naviance training and take it seriously Parent Naviance Night will be in September Scholarship & financial aid requirements Visit www.fafsa4caster.ed.gov: estimate of your federal financial aid eligibility Set firm dates for completion of recommendations DO NOT MISS ANY DEADLINES
College responses: Early Decision Requires early application, commitment & contract Early Action Requires early application & no commitment Single Choice Early Action or Restrictive Early Action Requires early application & colleges will restrict your ability to apply Early Action/Decision to other colleges Rolling Admission Will be reviewed as received Regular Decision Check each college for deadline
Common Application The Common Application is a not–for–profit membership organization that, since its founding over 35 years ago, has been committed to providing reliable services that promote equity, access, and integrity Serves students, member institutions, and secondary schools Membership open to colleges and universities that promote access by evaluating students using a holistic selection process There are currently Applications to over 500 members institutions.
CAP Program Program offered by Rowan College at Burlington Country Students enrolled in CAP designated courses may earn RCBC credits for a fee Must enroll by deadline RCBC will issue transcript upon request CAP payments are nonrefundable CAP credits may or may not be accepted Students’ responsibility to contact college regarding their policies
SAT vs. ACT Ten–Section Test Timing Reasoning Test (7) 25 minute sections (2) 20 minute sections (1) 10 minute section Reasoning Test Math – up to Algebra 2 & 9th grade Geometry Reading – sentence completion, critical reading, comprehension Four–Section Test Timing (3) 35 minute sections (1) 60 minute section Achievement Test Math – up to Trigonometry Reading – passages from Prose Fiction, Social Science, Humanities & Natural Science English – grammar Science – charts & experiments
Redesigned SAT (March 2016) No wrong answer penalty Score is based out of 1600, 800 for Evidence Based Reasoning and Writing and 800 for Math Optional Essay-will receive a separate score Content of Redesigned SAT 1 Evidence Based Reading and Writing Test 65 Minute Reading Section, 35 minute language and writing section 1 Math test 55 minute section with calculator 25 minute section without calculator 4 answer choices for multiple choice questions
NJ STARS Scholarship program New Jersey residents that covers the cost of tuition at New Jersey's 19 community colleges. Top 15 percent of their high school class from junior year Five (5) semesters of eligibility for NJ STARS.
NJ STARS II Scholarship towards a Bachelor's Degree New Jersey community college NJ STARS students who earn their associate's degrees with a 3.25 grade point average or better are eligible Up to a $2,500 per year NJ STARS II scholarship Any New Jersey public or independent NJ TAG- participating four-year college or university.
Financial Aid Sources of Aid Types of Financial Aid Federal State of New Jersey College/University Outside Organizations Civil organizations (Rotary) Parents’ Employer High school awards Grants (Need based) Scholarships Employment Opportunities Work–Study
Websites Parent’s Guide to College Awareness and Planning: http://www.nacacnet.org/research/PublicationsResources/Marketplace/student/Pages/GuidingEducation.aspx SAT Registration: https://www.collegeboard.org/ PSAT results – College Search & Planning Resource: www.collegeboard.com/quickstart ACT Registration: http://www.actstudent.org/ Naviance – College & Career Readiness Solutions: connection.naviance.com/cinnaminsonhs Financial Aid: Estimate of your Federal Financial Aid Eligibility: www.fafsa4caster.ed.gov
College Planning Summary Communicate with counselor Understand admission factors Explore your options early Keep information organized Develop a financial plan Deadlines are critical Visit, visit, visit!
Please fill out the survey. Thank you for coming! Please fill out the survey.
Questions & Comments Donna Lobascio (T-Z) lobasciod@cinnaminson.com Alexis Mancinelli (A-J) mancinellia@cinnaminson.com Crystal Widmann (K-S) widmannc@cinnaminson.com Randy Krakower (Ms. Widmann’s replacement) krakowerr@Cinnaminson.com