Clare van Hamel Clinical Advisor UKFPO F1 Preparedness Survey 2016 Clare van Hamel Clinical Advisor UKFPO
Aim of Survey Background Review the Induction Process Assess preparedness for various aspects of work Identify ‘stress’ levels Allow feedback to organisations such as medical schools, foundation schools, trusts Review annual trends in data – commenced 2010
Severn – Bristol students
Severn – Non Bristol
Peninsula – Peninsula students
Peninsula – Non Peninsula
Preparedness 1 (2016)
Bristol MS and Severn FS
Preparedness 2 (2016)
Mental health competence
Team Introductions/Awareness
Statistical changes 2012-15
Graphical changes 2012-16
2015 F1
2016 F1s
2015 F1s
F1s 2016
Trainer Survey 2015
Statistical trends in Prescribing
Trends in Prescribing 2012-16
Outside competence – 46 comments
Final year apprentice experience
70-100% Final year shadowing 2014
10-30% Final Year shadowing 2014
Timing of Finals Surveys have shown that ‘Preparedness’ was improved if finals were taken earlier in the course Potentially allows increased time for apprenticeship type experience in final year
Minimum 2/7 shadowing
Follow up survey 2015
Follow up 2015
Follow up 2015
E-portfolio – follow up 2015
Harm done 580 respondents in first 3/12 of work 10 permanent harm 10 significant harm 5 drug errors 7 fluid errors 6 recognising critically ill 1 blood error
Text analysis of potential harm
Surveys have helped to:- Provide evidence for a PAID induction period immediately prior to F1 post Demonstrate the importance of apprenticeship type experience in the final year of medical school Give consideration for timing of finals Provide evidence of prescribing confidence E-portfolio………. Trainer v trainee surveys Follow up survey demonstrates areas of potential harm