The Steering Board for MPE projects and its activities A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
MPE Projects towards LS2 and LS3 The Steering Board for MPE projects Outline MPE Projects towards LS2 and LS3 The Steering Board for MPE projects A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
CONSOLIDATION Program MPE Projects Main categories of MPE Projects HL-LHC Project CONSOLIDATION Program Other New Projects Machine Protection (WP7) LHC, LIU ELENA, AWAKE,… A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
Main categories of MPE Projects Quench Detection Systems (QDS2) (Detection electronics, controls, Data acquisition) Energy Extraction Systems & Quench Heater Powering CLIQ Powering Interlock Controller (PIC2) Quench and discharge loops Machine Protection (WP7) HL-LHC Project Modeling of sc. Magnets Optimization of Protection Quench studies Damage studies Availability studies A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
Main categories of MPE Projects LHC, LIU CONSOLIDATION Program LHC Quench Detection Systems ((Detection electronics, controls, Data acquisition) LHC Energy Extraction Systems & Quench Heater Powering Warm Magnet Interlocks (WIC) In Accelerator Complex Fast Magnet Current Monitor System (FMCM2) Beam Interlock System (BIS2) & Safe Machine Parameters (SMP2) In Accelerator Complex A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
Machine Interlocks Section Projects MI#01: WIC Deployments before LS2 MI#02: WIC Deployments after LS2 MI#03: CIBDS MI#04: BIS 1.23 LS2? 2020? 2021? MI#05: BIS deployments
Machine Interlocks Section Projects (cont’d) MI#06 to #10: “V2” of the main Interlock systems
13 PS 2 WIC for TT2/nTOF & TT10 A.Siemko – TE-TM – 12.10.2015 INDEX MACHINE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Replacement of existing legacy interlock system with standard WIC system 13 PS 2 BENEFIT (if done) CONSEQUENCES (if not done) Large fraction of magnets and power converters in TT2/nTOF will be consolidated during LS2, suggesting for a simultaneous renovation of the related magnet interlocks. If not done, legacy system needs to be adapted to new standard interfaces RESOURCES YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 > 2020 SUM P available P missing M (kCHF) 100 200 200 0 500 P (cat II, p-y) P (cat III, p-y) 0.5 0.5 0.2 1.7 SUM P (p-y) 0.2 Identical, generic HW as already installed in most other accelerators and TLs Removal of legacy interlock system, added remote diagnostic Consolidation foreseen for LS2 As for all other proposed renovations, resource efficient consolidation best done in parallel with MSC and EPC A.Siemko – TE-TM – 12.10.2015
BIS for PS ring and transfer lines to SPS INDEX MACHINE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Deployment of the Beam Interlock system in the PS ring + TT2 & TT10 lines 6 PS 2 BENEFIT (if done) CONSEQUENCES (if not done) To complete the missing link in the protection of the proton chain. Keep an old interlock system in operation after LS2 RESOURCES YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 > 2020 SUM P available P missing M (kCHF) 100 200 400 P (cat II, p-y) 0.2 0.1 0.5 0 P (cat III, p-y) SUM P (p-y) 0.3 0.4 1 Remote Interface units Beam Interlock Controller
Performance Evaluation Section Projects ID# Short Name Scope / Objectives of the project Deadlines for deliv. PE#01 HiRadMat damage test Beam induced damage test of SC's at cold in HiRadMat 2017 PE#02 STEAM Develop a framework for co-simulation of transient effects in superconducting accelerator magnets 2018
Electrical Engineering Section Projects IGBT EE Systems New ELQA Hard & Software DYPQ Cold diodes 600A EE spares for LHC Electro-mechanical EE systems for HL-LHC CLIQ Development and design of a new generation of ultrafast switches for high-current applications based on IGBTs. Manufacture of a prototype and seven, 7.5 kA units to be operated in the SM18. Includes studies on thermal optimization (study of the use of thermal grease for IGBT cooling through heatsinks, direct cooling). It includes related controls system and 1 to 2 kA versions. It also includes the finding of a back-up system (fuse, pyrobreaker, etc) New hardware and software for ElQA test campaigns, including a) design and production of one prototype and ten tester crates and b) design and production of one prototype and four test benches for the ElQA Arc Interconnection Verifications. Boht cases include newly developed software Contribution of the EE Section to the DYPQ Project: DQLIM and DQLPR, including the DQLCT, harnesses and replacement of HDS earth fuses Manufacturing of 30 dipole and 10 quadrupole spare assemblies for LHC. Qualifying existing press-pack units as well as defining and applying strategy for the procurement of new press-pack diodes from Dynex Search for an equivalent 3-pole, electromechanical switch for replacement during LS3 of the present DC switch from DZNVA, Russia. Plug-in compatible with existing units. At least identical performance but some improvements pursued. Development and assessment on reliability of energy extraction switch systems for the protection of superconducting magnet chains in HL-LHC, with the aim of manufacturing one bipolar, prototype in the 1-2 kA range Development and manufacture of three new units to be used at SM18 for the HL-LHC s.c. magnets test programme. Preparation of a final specification to be used for the call for tender for series units
Electrical Engineering Section Projects (cont’d) Spot Burner 13kA EE Systems Controls Consolidation New generation of dump resistors DQHDS lifetime studies ELQA Data Treatment Proximity equipment PCB spares Consolidate the design of the earth fault burner (blower) and manufacture under industrial standards one unit. This requires detailed studies on failure scenarios, mock-up testing as well as the preparation of the corresponding and relevant procedures Consolidation of the controls part of the 13kA energy extraction system of LHC with special emphasis on upgrading obsolete components (e.g. EPROM). This project includes the analysis of the etat-de-lieux, definition of the boards/parts to be consolidated, their manufacturing and testing as well as the preparation of the procedures for the re-commisining within the LHC machine Performance definition, design and prototyping of a new type of energy absorbers. Based on hot body immersed in new type of fluorinated dielectric liquids (3M) for fast recovery, high-temperature operation, compact design, variable resistance Study of lifetime expectancies with the main components of the existing HDS in the LHC tunnel. Establish a test programme and take relevant decisions if required Develop the informatics tools for scrutinizing the ELQA campaign results from the beginning of data taking. Evaluate impact to new hardware and/or software for ElQA equipment Study and decisions for the consolidation of PCBs within proximity equipment of DFBs
Electronics for Protection section’s Projects Short Name Scope & Obj. Deadlines for deliv. EP#01 QPS consolidation The project summarizes several work packages concerning the the QPS system consolidation: LS2 (mid 2019), partially during (E)YETS WP#1: Consolidation IP{Q, IPD and IT protection WP#2: Consoldiation 600 A protection DAQ & current sensors WP#3: Upgrade of quench loop controllers for main circuits WP#4: Upgrade nQPS for automatic recovery of stalled local busses WP#5: Upgrade of remote power cycle units EP#02 DQLPU type B upgrade Upgrade of the DQLPU type B protection units within the consolidation of the MQ protection LS2 (mid 2019) EP#03 Hi-LUMI Deploy detection and supervision systems within the HiLumi upgrade of the LHC LS2 (mid 2019) & LS3 (mid 2024) WP#1: Deploy detection and supervision systems for the new 11T magnets including the revised bus-bar protection. WP#2: Deploy detection and supervision systems for all newly installed superconducting elements requiring QPS. EP#04 QPS test Deploy detection and supervision systems for test benches. 2016, 2017 & LS2 WP#1: QDS for test benches SM18, FAIR etc. WP#2: QDS refernce test facility in 272 WP#3: IT string EP#05 PROJOINT Supervision of conical joints in the warm cabling of the 13 kA circuits
Consolidation of DYPQ racks INDEX MACHINE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION During LS2, perform the similar upgrade for the main quadrupoles, as the one made for main dipole protection racks 4 LHC 1 BENEFIT (if done) CONSEQUENCES (if not done) Improve safety and overall availability (redundant P.S. and UPS, new generation of detection electronics) + Improve quench heater integrity monitoring RESOURCES YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 > 2020 SUM P available P missing M (kCHF) 200 1200 0 2600 P (cat II, p-y) 5 3 2 19 14 P (cat III, p-y) 3 5 5 0 21 7.5 13.5 SUM P (p-y) 7 9 8 7 40 12.5 Project involving three MPE sections Collaboration agreements to partially compensate the missing P Eliminate existing single point of failure in quench heater triggering unit, implement redundant power supplies connected to the redundant UPS network Improve discharge voltage measurements and introduce discharge current measurement for proving the integrity of the quench heater circuits. Implement new generation of detection electronics which will comply with radiation tolerance and electro-magnetic compatibility => no more change will be needed for the run 4, beginning of the HL-LHC era. (Like for DYPB) the DYPQ racks will be all moved out to surface and carried to dedicated LAB1 building for transformation and tests. After the tests, they will be stored in another surface building. Afterwards, they will moved back into the tunnel in accordance to LS2 planning. Collaboration agreements will be established for construction phase and for testing/installing phases In total, 396 systems will be refurbished.
The Steering Board for MPE projects and its activities A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
The Steering Board for MPE projects The Steering Board is helping to define and steer the MPE projects through, from start to completion. The Steering Board is providing support, guidance and oversight of progress. The Steering Board is made up of the key MPE people who have the most of experience and expertise. Members of Stearing Board should not work directly on the projects themselves and should not directly be responsible for managing project activities, but provide support and guidance for those who do. The first responsibility of the Steering Board is the achievement of the project’s success. A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
The role of Steering Board in more details The Steering Board’s role is to provide advice to Project Leaders, ensure delivery of the project outputs. This may include: Providing input and guidance to the development of the project, including the evaluation strategy; Providing advice on the budget; Defining and helping to achieve the project outcomes; Identifying the priorities in the project, helping to balance conflicting priorities and resources; Identifying and monitoring potential risks; Reviewing the progress of the project against the milestones set; Providing advice (and sometimes making decisions) about changes to the project as it develops. A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
The members of Steering Board The core members: All Section Leaders, Knud, Bruno, Ruediger and Andrzej The Project Leaders will normally attend meetings of the Steering Board to report on progress and answer any questions raised by Steering Board members. GL or DGL who “owns” the MPE projects is chairing the Steering Board to ensure that meetings run smoothly and achieve their objectives. A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
PROJECT ROADMAP & MANAGEMENT PLAN CONCLUSION We have to complete as soon as possible detailed definition of all projects, tentatively planned for LS2 Detailed analysis of projects will allow us to take decisions about the projects which will have to be postpone until LS3 The MPE Steering Board is counting on your help with this respect A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM
Thank you for your attention A. Siemko 14/07/2016 MPE TM