Citizenship and Character Traits
Courtesy Honesty I tell the truth even if it is hard to do it. Did Pinocchio tell the truth? I am thoughtful or considerate of others.
Human Worth and Dignity Justice I am fair when I make a difference between right and wrong. When I follow the rules, I am worthy of respect.
Personal Obligation for the Public Good Patriotism Personal Obligation for the Public Good I show love, respect, and loyalty to the United States of America. I help my community!
Respect for Self and Others Respect for Authority I respect myself and others, recognizing that we all are unique. I respect authority so I can live in a peaceful society.
Courage Discipline I show courage when I am able to face difficulty with strength. I show discipline when I do what I have to do even if I don’t want to do it.
Tolerance Responsibility I am responsible when I do what I am supposed to do even when no one is watching. People can count on me. I am tolerant when I respect feelings, habits, and beliefs that are different from mine.