Laundry & Sewing Basics
Tips for Stains Get it Wet – Wet the area with the stain to keep if from setting. This will buy you some time until you can treat it. Google – Research the best way to lift the stain. For specific stain solutions visit:
Sorting Laundry Option #1 - Separate laundry into 3 categories: Whites, Lights, and Darks Option #2 - Separate laundry into 2 categories: Whites/Lights and Darks Whites (if you need to bleach them) Lights (and whites if they are not stained) Darks
Pre-Sort Dirty Clothes Place 2-3 laundry baskets in your closet. Sort as you remove your clothing. Do laundry one basket at a time as they fill up. Whites (if you need to bleach them) Lights (and whites if they are not stained) Darks
Laundry Tips Read Labels – Not following label instructions could damage clothing
Laundry Tips Pre-Treat Stains – Use detergent, a tooth brush, and a little water to scrub stains before putting clothes into the washing machine
Laundry Tips Add Detergent to Water Before Adding Clothes – This will help keep the detergent from leaving a film on your clothing
Laundry Tips Whitening Whites – To get white clothes bright, use bleach or Oxiclean. Wash with hot water.
Laundry Tips 75% Full – Overfilling the machine will keep your clothes from getting their cleanest.
Laundry Tips Keep Darks Dark – Turn jeans and darks inside out and use cold water to keep them from fading as quickly
Choose the “Delicates” cycle. Laundry Tips Delicates – Bras, panties, lacey blouses, etc. need to be washed with care. The agitation of the “normal” cycle causes damage to delicate clothing. Option #1 Choose the “Delicates” cycle. Option #2 Place delicates in a mesh bag and wash on “Casual” or “Permanent Press” cycle
Laundry Tips Avoid Shrinking – Hang clothes to dry on a clothes line or on hangers
Laundry Tips Check for Stains – Check the washed clothing that you pre-treated. If it is still stained, do not put it in the dryer or it may make the stain permanent. Retreat the stain and then rewash the clothing.
Laundry Tips Drying Your Shoes – Tie your laces together and hang from dryer door
Laundry Tips Avoid Ironing – Hang up shirts and pants immediately after drying. Buy “wrinkle free” or “wrinkle resistant” clothing.
Laundry Tips Just because a clothing label reads "dry-clean" doesn't mean it can't be hand washed. Wool, silk, rayon, and linen can usually tolerate hand washing. When hand washing, immerse delicates into a solution of lukewarm water and mild detergent, and swish for three to five minutes. Drain soapy water, rinse items until water runs clear, and then gently squeeze out excess water, but do not wring. Reshape clothing flat on a towel, and roll up, pressing out excess water. Repeat with a dry towel, and then hang on a drying rack or another towel, flipping once.
Laundry Tips Clean the Lint Trap Before Every Load – A full lint trap can increase drying time and possibly cause a fire.
Laundry Tips A Few at a Time – Transfer the wet laundry into the dryer a few pieces at a time to allow them to separate. A large ball of wet clothes will not dry well.
Threading a Needle and Tying a Knot Running Time: 2:11
Running Stitch A running stitch is the most basic stitch and can be used to hem your pants. Running Time: 2:11
Backstitch A backstitch is a strong stich that can be used to sew two pieces of fabric together. Running Time: 2:39
Running Time: 0:48 (No Sound) Overcast Stitch An overcast stitch can be used to attach two pieces of fabric together and/or to keep a piece of fabric from fraying on the edges. Running Time: 0:48 (No Sound)
Sewing on a Button Running Time: 4:57
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