Vibraimage system application for transport security Biometrics4U ELSYS Corp. presents VibraImage Vibraimage system application for transport security
VibraImage technology and products VibraImage – biometrics behavior detection system for technical profiling VibraImage – the image indicating movement and vibration parameters of live objects. Advantages: VibraImage system allows to detect emotions and psychophysiological human’s characteristics by standard technical means and by contactless remote mode.
Psychophysiology of movements Movement is fulfillment of what exists potentially. (Physics III, 335 BC) Aristotle Every reaction of brain activity could be characterized as muscular movement. (Reflexes of the brain, 1863) Ivan Sechenov Reflex movements associated with emotions. (The expression of the emotions in man and animals, 1872) Charles Darwin Amplitude and intensity of reflex movements characterized aggression. (On Aggression, 1966) Konrad Lorenz
Vestibular system and vestibular-emotional reflex 4
Vestibular reflexes and tests Active head rotation testing Rotatory chair testing Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) Vestibular tests
Vibration and vestibulo-emotional reflex Head movements means vibration. Vibration characterized by parameters, as frequency and amplitude, processed from video signal. Vestibulo-emotional reflex (VER) shows the dependence on head vibration parameters from emotions. 6
Frame difference as movement amount measure Frame sequence y T1 x y T2 x y Frame difference dependence from the movement amount x
VibraImage Amplitude vibraimage Frequency vibraimage Frequency scale Vibraimage is emotions detection technology based on video image processing The intensity and frequency of vibration is modulated by color scale. Amplitude vibraimage Frequency vibraimage Frequency scale
Multiple vibraimage Vibraimages with different accumulation time T= 10 sec (normal physiology) T= 1 sec (normal reaction) T= 0,1 sec (fast reaction) VibraImage system in real time carries out the simultaneous analysis for more than 50 various psychophysiological parameters of the person. Symbolically vibraimage parameters devided on 4 groups: A – amplitude, F- frequency, S – symmetrical, P – mathematical statistics.
VibraImage basic parameters Aggression level Stress level Tension level
Histogram frequency distribution P(f) P(f) f, f, Vibraimage frequency distribution histogram for disease (up) and normal (down) person. Vibraimage frequency distribution histogram for tired (up) and anger (down) person.
VibraImage and Aura Amplitude vibraimage VI(Am) External vibraimage AR mode (Aura on Real) Aura line size depends on average vibration amplitude in line. Aura line color depends on maximum line vibration frequency Frequency vibraimage VI(F)
VibraImage visual interpretation Red- activity and aggression color Yellow – trouble and tension color Green- normal activity and top condition color Blue- rest and calm color Violet- tiredness color Brief aura form analysis Any aura asymmetry (form, color) characterized deviation from mental or physiological norms. Any breaks in aura uniformity characterized deviation from mental or physiological norms. Ideal aura has mono color, symmetrical and uniform. Any real aura differs from ideal and the question of interpretation is to characterized real aura deviations.
Facial vibraimage and EEG Cross correlation signal links ANGER state VI correlates with EEG Normal state VI uncorrelated with EEG EEG and vibraimage signals synchronized record Facial vibraimage is general human psycho physiological characteristics like EEG, HR, MRI, GSR and blood pressure
VibraImage – biometric behavior detection system System determines the basic emotional state of a person by the facial micromovements analysis Less than 10 seconds required to do a basic profiling of a person’s emotional state with a 90% accuracy Three operation mode: Micro, Macro and Lie detection Aggression, stress, tension, personal compatibility, suspicion levels are controlled Application in: Security, Medicine, eHealth, Neuroscience, Psychology, Sports, Fitness, Public relations, Politics, Life Science
VibraImage application for identification potentially dangerous persons on transport objects Control and identification of potentially dangerous people over carrying out of personal inspection, on a check point. Electronic profiling. Control and identification of aggressive and potentially dangerous people in crowd, a passenger traffic on transport, and etc. Lie detection when carrying out instant polls and interview in the “hidden” and “open” mode. Automatic identification of potentially dangerous persons on removed objects, transfer photo and video of suspicious people on the central post to the operator, sound alarm systems at appearance of potentially dangerous person in a frame, record and storage of the events protocol . 16
Micro mode: Passengers emotion control Normal state vibraimage and aura VibraImage & aura line intensity: average Color: blue, green, yellow (usually – monochromatic) Aggressive (in this case - Activity) and Stress level: 0.2 - 0.55 Tension level: <0.4
Micro mode: Passengers emotion control Anger (aggressive) state VibraImage & aura line intensity: high Color: yellow, orange and many red (Color and spatial non-uniformity) Aggressive level: >0.7 Stress level: low, <0.3 Tension level: >0.4
Micro mode: Passengers emotion control Stress state VibraImage & aura line intensity: low ( with break) Color: all (Color non-uniformity) Aggressive level: low <0.5 Stress level: >0.7 Tension level: >0.4
Macro mode Vibraimage Macro Mode control allows to indicate a suspected person with the other movement value than other persons in crowd. Passengers and people remote screening Simultaneous control of the greater area and a lot of people Terrorists and suspected persons video detection 20
Macro mode and Face detection Marco mode without Face Detection: recommended use 2 windows for control Marco mode with Face Detection. Frontal face the person position. 21
Lie Detection and Interview Law enforcement and police applications, lie detection Employment agency, interview, profiling, psychological testing Every graph reflects emotions and lie received from vibraimage parameters processing
Lie Detection P5 – lie level
Lie Detection main parameters A1(fast)- fast micro movement. First fast reaction on situation or question. F3 (100) - average emotional level for 20 sec. High value – high level activity, aggression or emotional excitement. F6 – concentration, current psycho physiological reaction of the person. Increase in value an attribute of lie. S2 (10)- asymmetry of movements for 2 sec. Often changes of parameter usually accompany with lie. P2 (100) - dispersion of frequency distribution characterizes disorder of micro movements in time and space. Big dispersions is an attribute of lie. P5 – Lie level. Use during real time interview. P20 – Lie level. Use during Cleve Backster lie testing procedure.
VibraImage Pulkovo airport, St.Petersburg, Russia Testing mode from 2007, operating mode from December 2008
VibraImage Pulkovo statistics results Parameter Data VibraImage system testing time period From June 2007 VibraImage system operation mode Research/ Test / Practice Practice mode Operation place Tickets Check In, Luggage control VibraImage systems quantity 5 samples Net/local mode Local and network Operation time per day From 9.00 am till 18.00 pm Error rate, (FAR/FRR) ( 0/10) % Plans Passengers traffic flows 24 hours Controlled persons per day About 1000 passengers
VibraImage Domodedovo airport, Moscow, Russia Testing mode from 2007, operating mode from January 2009
VibraImage Sheremetyevo airport, Moscow, Russia Testing mode from 2007, operating mode from January 2009
VibraImage Metro station, Moscow, Russia Testing mode from 2011, operating mode from Mart 2012
VibraImage Police administration, Seoul, South Korea Operating mode from October 2010. Have passed training 15 certificated poligraphologs
VibraImage Winter Olympic game, Sochi, Russia Testing mode on 130 control points in Olympic sport objects and transport infrastructures from March 2013
VibraImage Network mode The system allows to use any standard video device as web-camera, digital and analog TV camera , IP camera, high speed IEEE 1394 cameras and also standard computer networks for transfer and processing of the information. 32
Multilevel monitoring system Shopping center, St. Petersburg, Russia Single operator Network mode Automatic alarm at the detection of potentially dangerous persons Automatic identification on dangerous person database Operating mode from May 2011 33
Vibraimage challenges Low noise digital cameras (dynamical range not less than 80dB) with resolution 640x480 (and better) and frame speed more than 20 frame/sec Stable and uniform illumination (not more than 1Lx/s). Light illumination (not less than 500Lx) Low level external mechanical vibration of camera High sensitivity for external movement in frame For real time operation recommended Intel i5 computer Law indetermination
Mobile Application Everybody wants to see their real aura and know the conditions of health and psychic on your smartphone Real image Wifi network access to mobile police groups smartphone Light mobile version for smartphone
Emotions ID biometric market growing applications VI application fields Emotions ID biometric market growing applications
Foreign analogues of VibraImage system Hostile Intent, Homeland Security project, USA BriefCam, USA-Israel Silent Talker, Great Britain We See You (WeCU), Israel
Vibraimage advantages Contactless and remote emotion & lie detection Real time analysis and alarm signal Video recorded information analysis Standard video devices and computers requested Open or hidden object control Friendly technology for users
Results Received investments more than $1.200.000 Testing research proved vibraimage systems success applications since 2002 year. International sales of Vibraimage systems. Products are operating in US, Canada, Germany, Spain, Israel, China, Japan, S. Korea, Australia and Russia. Positive references from Russian Police, Russian Science Academy, Aviation Security Airports. US and Russia patent protection for vibraimage method, device and system. Agreements with international dealer and distribution companies. Registered trade mark. High attendance company site Internet shop open
CONTACTS & QUESTIONS Viktor Minkin CEO e-mail: Martynov Oleg Chief electronic department e-mail: