Pupil Council Election What would I have to do if I was a member of the Pupil Council? Listen to things being discussed, give your own ideas/views/complaints of your class even if they are different from your own! Meet with other class reps along with Mr Nicolson. Sometimes other people are invited along e.g. members from other committees. When does the Pupil Council meet? It meets for about an hour every 5 weeks. New dates are agreed at each meeting. What do I need to do to become a member of the Pupil Council? Write a manifesto saying why you think people in your class should vote for you, read it out to your class and be willing to take part in a class vote (election). You also need to create a poster which which would help try and convince pupils in your class why they should vote for you. What is a Manifesto? It’s a piece of writing which gives voters information about yourself e.g. your name, age, class. It tells people what kind of person you are e.g. trustworthy, patient, thoughtful and lets them know what you like to do in your spare time e.g. hobbies. It also lets voters know about some of the ideas you have for the pupil council to work towards to improve the school. How long should my manifesto be? No more than 2 minutes long when you read it out loud.