Breastfeeding Michael Hoerger
Reported Benefits for Child Fewer allergies Fewer respiratory problems Fewer digestive problems Decreased risk for SIDS Bonding with mother Increased IQ?
Benefits for Moms Return more quickly to pre-pregnancy weight Lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer Reduced risk of osteoporosis Bonding with child Free, warm, efficient
But… Poor methodology and the 3rd variable problem Breastfeeding moms: Higher IQ Higher SES (more education and money) Older Mountain and Pacific U.S. Greater social support Greater parenting knowledge
Contraindications Mother has HIV or tuberculosis Mother uses drugs Child has phenylketonuria (PKU), galactosemia, or other enzyme disorder
Nestle Boycott Free formula for developing nations Price-gouging Problems: Dilution Contamination
Michael Hoerger To cite this lecture: Hoerger, M. (2007, January 24). Breastfeeding. Presented at a PSY 220 lecture at Central Michigan University.