DevInfo as a Use Case for the CoE for UNSDI You saw yesterday the various features of DevInfo, including the ability to produce tables, maps and graphs of geo-referenced indicator data through a user-friendly interface. Today’s presentation will focus on DevInfo as a potential use case for the Center of Excellence for the UN Spatial Data Infrastructure project. UNGIWG 11th Plenary Meeting Geneva, 15 March 2011 presented by: peter Leth, statistics and monitoring section, unicef new york
Objectives of DevInfo initiative Strengthened national monitoring and evaluation systems (focus on MDGs and other national goals) Use of data for evidence-based planning and policy making (decision making) Providing “Data for all” to allow public to be a part of these processes DevInfo ultimately aims to translate the large investments in data collection into better development outcomes through data use Emphasis on national ownership and simplicity. Increase the uptake of evidence in decision-making processes. To fully understand DevInfo, one must follow it at the national level.
130 countries adaptations by more than Software distributed royalty-free and fully customizable to local needs.
Sub-national data Wealth of The group of DevInfo databases represents one of the largest collection of sub-national databases in a common format in existence globally. This is an example of data from the 25 states of Sudan.
Database Repository Online Online repository is growing, but not complete and not up-to-date. This makes it challenging for DevInfo initiative to maintain latest place names, area codes and shape files. Practice has been to upload only for those countries that request.
Area Name, Area ID (Level) Geographic region by Area Name, Area ID (Level)
n sub-national levels Geographic region by Cambodia (2) > Koh Kong Province (3) > Thma Bang District (4) > Chi Phat Commune (5)
ISO 19115:2003 DevInfo follows UNGIWG recommendation for a standardized and simplified geographic metadata record based on ISO 19115 (Geographic information metadata). However, at sub-national level, metadata is largely not available or utilized.
Area ID INconsistencies 1st sub-national level Cambodia 004KHM001 Sudan AFRSDN011 India IND001 Local customization means that sub-national Area IDs are not standardized, making it difficult to aggregate data at regional or global levels. Area IDs are only 1 symptom of a larger issue – DevInfo databases are largely developed in isolation, without adherence to larger systems of standards, making international comparisons and compilations difficult (especially at indicator level).
Place name inconsistencies ឧត្តរមានជ័យ - province in northern Cambodia CamInfo – Oddar Meanchey GeoNames – Otar Meanchey Other – Odtar Meanchey
Indicator inconsistencies Antenatal care coverage rate / Percent / Total (CamInfo) Percentage of women who gave birth in the last two years and received antenatal care from any qualified personnel / Percent / Female 15-49 yr (SudanInfo) Antenatal care coverage for at least one visit / Percent / 15-49 yr (MDGInfo)
Conclusions DevInfo initiative has close linkages with National Statistics Offices (NSOs) in over 130 countries Close ties with interior and land management ministries (NNAs and NMAs) that coordinate area naming, boundary definition and their update processes Clear links to SALB Global push for public access to data requires greater standardization and continued adaptation (search engines, mobile apps, social media, etc) Links between NSO, NMA (National Mapping Authority) and UN brought together through DevInfo at country level.
Conclusions DevInfo should use standardized geo-codes (Area IDs) across all sub-national regions UNSDI Project (Geographic Gazetteer) DevInfo strategic objectives could perhaps be better met if it could draw on UNSDI resources Place names, feature layers, area codes, shape files, etc. Enhanced data visualization techniques DevInfo expertise in NSOs (with links to NNAs, NMAs) could contribute to updating global gazetteer DevInfo is clearly a part of this picture, as a user and potential provider (or facilitator) of services in UNSDI. Linking to wider mechanisms such as UNSDI would allow DevInfo to focus more on its core mandate of strengthening national M&E systems, promoting the uptake of evidence in decision-making processes, and facilitating public access to data for informed democratic development.