Chetapine + =
The diet is… My animal the chetapine is a carnivore by far all it eats is meat. The chetapine has quills that stick out of its body to paralyze its prey then it tears it to shreds with its teeth. It loves to eat deer.
Predator or prey My animal the chetapine is a predator, it only hunts, it is not the hunted. The chetapine is a 4th order consumer. 1st order 2nd order 3rd order 4th order
Special parts The chetapine has very tough skin and quills sticking out of it so it can scare anything off. The paws are huge and can rip stuff apart and the back legs help it jump high and far.
How it moves Well the chetapine moves by running. It can run up to 50mph. It also moves by balling up and rolling around. Balling up is also a defense mechanism.
How it eats It eats by running down its prey and paralyzing with its quills. It bites its neck and rips it throat out and then gets to feast.
The defense The way that the chetapine defends its self is by rolling up into a ball and sticking its quills out and it hisses at the thing that is trying to get it.
How it communicates It talks to the other members of the pack by making a hissing sound or roaring as loud as possible. The roar can be so loud that you can hear it from a mile away.
Living The chetapine lives in packs so it can kill prey easier and so that one individual doesn’t have to do all of the work.
Life span The typical life span for a chetapine is about 25 years. That doesn’t sound like a lot but it really is.
Name of biome The biome that my animal lives In is the grassland biome. The reason that the chetapine likes this biome is it can see prey from far away and kill it.
Different views
Common and scientific name. As you already know the common name for the chetapine is well chetapine but the scientific name is Acinonyx africanus. That pretty hard to pronounce.
The terrain The grasslands best suit my animal because it can stalk its prey run it down with ease ,paralyze and bite its neck to kill it. This is a picture of a grassland.
Hot, cold, or mild? The chetapine love the cold and the hot. It likes the cold because it doesn’t use heat to track down its prey. It likes the warm because it loves to be hot. The temperature at night is 60 degrees and during the day about 85 degrees
Where does it live The chetapine lives in small caves and in tall trees so that it can see what is out there just in case of an attack.
Six senses The chetapine can hear because of large ears, can touch with its paws, smell with its snout, taste with the mouth and night vision and can see perfect.
Human effect The human effect affect would be awful because the chetapine can’t adapt very well so if humans came into the picture the chetapine would go extinct.