Data-Model Comparisons Yanhua Liu University of New Hampshire GEM Workshop 2013
Models in Space Science Plasma can be described by Vlasov equation in (r, v, t) space: It is either not easy to be solved, or not easy to be compared with observations. More realistic models can help: More comparable equations --- Test of plasma frozen in E+VxB=0 … Empirical Models --- Tsyganenko Model, Shue 97/98 Model … MHD Models --- OpenGGCM, RCM, Resistive MHD Reconnection … Hybrid/Kinetic Models --- Hybrid global simulation, Hybrid or PIC reconnection simulations Models provide global observables: Electric and magnetic field data Moments : density, velocity, temperature, pressure, entropy… Plasma Distribution Functions ( Hybrid/Kinetic Model)
Data in Space Science Magnetosphere In-situ Observation: Take Cluster Mission as an example, four spacecraft carry identical sets of 11 scientific instruments: FGM – magnetic field data EDI – electric field data via electron drift EFW – electric field data (spin plane) PEACE – electron distribution function, moments data (~26 KeV) CIS – ion distribution function, moments data (~ 40 KeV) RAPID – highest energy electron/ion data (~MeV) STAFF, Whisper, DWP, WBD, WEC and EFW– wave package Cluster CODIF in CIS Package
Dst index as an indication of phase of magnetic storm Data in Space Science Ground based data: Aurora Images Geomagnetic Indices:Dst, Kp, Ae, Al… Solar wind data: Solar wind IMF, density, velocity, pressure from the observation around L1 orbit (ACE, GEOTAIL, WIND) Auroral Image Dst index as an indication of phase of magnetic storm
Limitations of Models and Data Many assumptions, eg: OpenGGCM: MHD model, artificial resistivity in reconnection. Maxwellian distribution function is assumed …. PIC/Hybrid: Not real mass ratio: mi/me ~50,100… Boundary condition matters: open boundary/ periodic boundary 2 Limitations of Data: Reliable measurement: quality of data sometimes is limitted, eg: sun contamination Limitation of instrument: The instruments have their measurement range. Eg: Cluster/CODIF measures 40-40,000 eV. Cluster/EFW measures spin plane electric field and Ez comes from E.B=0 … Spatial and Time Resolution: only single or few measurements in the space and we can not tell if the change come from space/time evolution (MVA, timing, curlometer techniques)
Comparisons Model-Data-Model Comparison: Data-Model-Data Comparison: Motivated by model result Check with data Compare with other model predictions Data-Model-Data Comparison: Motivated by observation Use model to reproduce observation
Model-Data-Model PIC simulation predicts the electron distributions in the reconnection inflow region, sepratrix and exhaust region. (Chen et al, 2008) Cluster observation of electron distribution agrees with the simulation result
Model-Data-Model Utilizing the electron distribution functions, they are able to predict the spacecraft trajectory in reconnection frame. (Chen et al, 2008)
Model-Data-Model Comparison E&M fields measured by Cluster Illustration of multiple x line Going back to model and combining with the derived trajectory, they are able to derive out the multi-island reconnection scenario.
Data-Model-Data Comparison 06:40 07:47 SNAP SNAP FSIM FSIM FSMI FSMI GILL GILL GILL 06:30 Ge et al, 2011 08:30 The major breakup of aurora is at ~ 07:47 UT From 07:47 UT, aurora brightening region starts to expand/move poleward
Auroral Breakups 07:47 at GILL & FSMI Data-Model-Data 07:48 07:47 FSMI Auroral Breakups 07:47 at GILL & FSMI OpenGGCM Solar Wind Input
Data-Model-Data The propagation of dipolarization front and the correlation between BBF is studied in detail. Reproduction of THEMISC observation from OpenGGCM
Summary Model and Data both have their power and limitation. Performing data-model comparisons should be cautious of model and data limitations. Data-Model Comparisons can be motivated by model or data, but will finally return to a detailed physics question.
More Examples Model-Data-Model: Counter streaming heavy ions in reconnection Wednesday, reconnection section. Data-Model-Data: Cluster encounter of the reconnection hall plane, Thursday, poster# 36 Empirical Model: The thickness of O+ mediated reconnecting current sheet, Wednesday, the ionospheric source of magnetospheric plasma section.