R; One Ring to Rule Them All Leila Etaati, MVP, Consultant
Leila Etaati Place your photo here Leila is Microsoft Data Platform MVP, PhD, Senior Consultant. Leila is an international speaker who spoke in PASS BA, PASS24H, Microsoft NZ Ignite, SQL Rally, SQL Saturday in Oregon, Vienna, Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane. I am Leila, coming from New Zealand, I love DS, ML, R and others…Power BI /Leila Etaati @Leila_Etaati Leila Etaati
R; One Ring to Rule Them All
R Can Be Helpful for: Business Intelligence Developer Data scientist Software Developer https://www.theta.co.nz/news-blogs/tech-blog/creating-smart-reports-and-applications-with-machine-learning-and-r/
R; One Ring to Rule Them All Agenda R; One Ring to Rule Them All 1 2 3 4 5 What is R What we do with R R Helps Software Developers R Helps Business Intelligence Q&A Demo R Studio Demo Software Developer Demo BI Developers Machine Learning Clean Date R visual studio Power BI Visual Data Web Service SQL Server
What is R? The R statistical programming language is a free open source package based on the S language developed by Bell Labs. R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand http://www.r-project.org https://www.datacamp.com/ https://www.coursera.org/
What is R Rexer Data Mining survey R is the highest paid IT skill Dice.come, Jan 2014 R most used-data science language after SQL-O’Reilly, Jan 2014 R is used by 70% of data miners. Rexer, Sept 2013 R is #15 all programming languages. REdMonk, Jan 2014 R growing faster than any other data science language. KDNuggs R is in-memory and limited in size of data that you can process. More data and fun with data…more and more data
Machine Learning Process Find Potential Customers What type of Data Business Understanding Collect and Clean Data Find Fraud ETL Process Sales More Split Data % for Testing % for Training Test Model Performance Score Model Train Model Choose Model
Data R for Cleaning Data, Visualization, and Creating Model More data and fun with data…more and more data Definition and Examples (essential) A data frame is a table, or two-dimensional array-like structure, in which each column contains measurements on one variable, and each row contains one case
Download and Install R https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download3/ https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/old/3.2.5/
Demo on R Studio
Data Scientist Can Create Web Service in Azure ML From R
R Helps Software Developers Run R Code in Azure ML Then Call it as API in .Net Create Web Service in Azure ML From R Writing R code in .Net
R Helps Software Developers https://mran.revolutionanalytics.com/download/mro-for-mrs/
Decision Tree
Machine Learning Process Find Potential Customers What type of Data Business Understanding Collect and Clean Data Find Fraud ETL Process Sales More Split Data % for Testing % for Training Test Model Performance Score Model Train Model Choose Model
R Helps Software Developers Theta Account
R Helps Business Intelligence Developers Show R Graphs and R codes in Power BI R can be embedded in SQL Scripts
R show room In Power BI https://community.powerbi.com/t5/R-Script-Showcase/bd-p/RVisuals
Questions? Twitter: @Leila_Etaati Or Email: Leila.Etaati@gmail.com
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Thank You Learn more from Leila Etaati leila@RADACAD.com or follow @Leila_Etaati