Barack Obama the first black president of the USA
He was born on August 4,1961 in Honolulu in Hawaii His father is Barack Obama and his mother is Ann Duhan
His father leaves for his studies to Harvard a prestigious university At the age of two years At the age of 4 years his parents divorced, and have remade their lives, his mother has a new companion Lolo Soetoro and his father remarried and he has got 5 boys and one girl
In 1967,his mother and he leave hawaii and live in indonesia with Lolo. AT THE AGE OF 6 YEARS HE STUDIED IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL Then, at 10 years he returned to Hawaii with these grandparents. And is enrolled in a new school. Then, at 10 years he returned to Hawaii with his grandparents.And is enrolled in a new school.
In that same year, his father who lived in Kenya who is also his country of origin And his mother went down to see him. In december, at christmas his father gave him a basketball
Shortly after his father is returned. Some week after the departure of his father the basketball became his passion.
At the age of 24 after studying political science, he became a social worker at chicago.Barack Obama organized meetings with the residents in order to try to solve problems and there was a great change thanks to him.
He met his wife Michelle in a law firm in 1989 He met his wife Michelle in a law firm in 1989.They married in 1992, they have 2 girls Malia and Sasha
He presented himself on July 27 to the television He presented himself on July 27 to the television.And finally, he was elected on November 4,2008 and relected on November 6,2012.He is the 44°president of the USA.He was president for 7 years, 10 months and 9 days,since January 20,2009 His predecessor was George W. Bush George W. Bush His successor was Donald Trump
In his early political career he was a democrat
This is the life of Barack Obama
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