Toward Independence
1600s & 1700s-British followed the mercantilism policy Believed this would make the British very wealthy Wealth would be used to develop industry and navy America would provide a cheap source of raw materials for the policy
British Taxes King George III wanted to get as much wealth from America as he could Parliament required the colonies to sell raw materials to Britain at low prices, but buy British products at high prices Killed colonial business
To pay debts from a war with France, Britain levied heavy taxes on the American colonies 1764- Sugar Act passed- tax on sugar, coffee, and other imported goods 1765- Stamp tax passed- tax on all printed materials and legal documents 1777-Townshend Acts- tax on all imports, including a 3 penny tax on tea
Resented the taxes, because no representation for the colonists in parliament Boycotted British goods (Boston Tea Party) Parliament repealed the tax laws
Intolerable Acts Passed by parliament after they repealed the taxes to show the Americans they were still in control Shut down Boston Harbor because the colonists refused to pay for the destroyed tea Restricted colonists rights -no trial by jury -allowed British soldiers to search and live in colonists’ homes (Quartering Act)
Move towards Independence Colonial governments banded together to fight the Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress 1774- colonies (except Georgia) sent delegates to Philadelphia -56 delegates sent a document to King George III asked for rights of “life, liberty, and property” Extended the boycott of British goods Decided to meet again 1 year later if demands went unmet
King George refused to the demands Ordered the military to use force against the colonists Fight between the soldiers and colonists in Lexington, then, Concord
Second Continental Congress 1775- met in Philadelphia Not all delegates favored independence 1776- more than ½ the delegates favored independence Committee appointed to write a document that announced America’s independence
The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson wrote the majority Explanation of why Americans had the right to be independent Took ideas from Rousseau and John Locke Argued that Britain did not look out for the the colonists’ interest nor protect their rights
Congress approved the Declaration on July 4, 1776 American colonies were now independent states