8th Grade Bully Prevention What do you know about bullying?
Bullying Basics It’s bullying if it meets the 3 Ps: Power – an imbalance of power must exist. Power (also called an imbalance of power) includes things like: being older, being bigger & stronger, being popular, or when a group of kids picks on one kid. Purpose – the person intends to hurt you. Pattern or Persistence – the person continues the action over and over again. Types of Bullying: Can you give some examples of each type of bullying? Verbal Bullying Cyberbullying Physical Bullying Social bullying
What is the Golden Rule?
What does the Golden Rule really mean? We should be nice to people even when they are mean to us. It is not just about being nice to people who are also nice to us. Everyone does that because that comes naturally to us. It’s about being nice to people even when they are mean to us!
Here are some examples Turn the other cheek. If someone asks you to carry something for a mile, carry it for two miles If someone wants your coat, give them your jacket, too. Don’t get angry when people are mean to you, breathe through it or go talk to an adult.
DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW OF RECIPROCITY “We are biologically programmed for what I refer to as the Rule of Nature, or what many social scientists refer to as the Law of Reciprocity. This means that I will treat you the way you treat me. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice back, and if you’re mean to me, I will be mean back. In nature, if you are nice to me, you are probably my friend, so it is safe for me to be nice in return, and it will benefit both of us. If you are mean to me in nature, you are probably a real enemy trying to injure me or kill me. I had better not be nice to you when you are trying to injure or kill me or I’ll make it even easier for you. In fact, I had better be even meaner to you than you are to me or I’m going to be a big loser!” – Izzy Kalman BREAK THIS CYCLE & FOLLOW THE GOLDEN RULE, TREAT OTHERS NICELY EVEN IF THEY ARE MEAN TO YOU!
Suggestions to Keep Bullying Out of Your Life Make friends and lots of them! You need to think and focus on all the good things about you instead of focusing on what a bully says. Stand up for yourself and tell the bully to stop. Try to walk with your head up, make eye contact, and smile. A bully is less likely to single you out if you are the picture of self-confidence.
Suggestions to Keep Bullying Out of Your Life Ignore insults and name-calling. This will be hard but stay calm and don’t let them see that they hurt you. Then go talk to an adult. Don’t get sucked into friend drama. Let each person take care of their own problems with friends or other students. Tell an adult if your being bullied! Have a few one-liners in your pocket to pull out if you need them. Things like, "That's funny, but enough already okay?" or "I don't do this to you. You should really think about that." These can help defuse a tense situation and keep you out of harm's way.
AMBASSADORS If you need help or need support with bullying, you can also talk to students on our Ambassador team!
Let’s make Sunset Ridge a fun and safe place to go to school! Anti-Bully Pledge If you sign the FAB (Falcon’s Against Bullying) banner during lunch tomorrow, you will receive a wristband with the bully text line phone number! Let’s make Sunset Ridge a fun and safe place to go to school!
Resources and Further Information: http://bullies2buddies.com/the-true-meaning-of-the-golden-rule-love-your- bullies/