ISPyB December 4th, 2013 From sample to data analysis: how to track every step of an experiment in the ISPyB database. Marjolaine Bodin, ESRF/EXP/Structural Biology Group ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Contents What is ISPyB? History Project management Technology Users From sample to data analysis Dewar Tracking Before the experiment Ongoing experiment Data analysis result Data mining and reporting ISPyB – 04/12/2013
What is ISPyB? ISPyB: Information System for Protein CrystallographY Beamlines Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for protein crystallography experiments on synchrotron beamlines Web based interface Access From a web browser To log in: ESRF experiment number (ESRF login) and password (LDAP authentication) Where is it used at the ESRF? ID14-4 ID23-1, ID23-2 ID29 BM14 MASSIF (ID30) BM29 (BioSAXS) ISPyB – 04/12/2013
History 2001 - 2005: Pxweb 2005 - now: ISPyB joint development between the ESRF Joint Structural Biology Group (JSBG), BM14 (e-HTPX), the EU funded SPINE project 2009: Collaboration with Diamond (code sharing) 2012: BioSAXS Year Total collects 2002 1598 2005 33,861 2011 155,684 2013 106,373 ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Project management Software project leader: Solange Delageniere Scientist project leader: Stephanie Malbet Monaco Mailing lists: to give general news about ISPyB project (new releases, major achievements, ...) , the mail shall include which technique/institute is concerned by the news. to give feedbacks on ISPyB in general on the ESRF site, the feedback mail may contain the technique/proposal concerned to discuss all the technical and development subjects (code sharing, data model, etc...) concerning MX internally and with other institutes. to discuss all the technical and development subjects (code sharing, data model, etc...) concerning BioSaxs internally and with other institutes. Development forge: Bug and New Feature tracking ISPyB – 04/12/2013
ISPyB Technology Java technology, Struts (MVC Web Application Framework) running on a JBoss 6 application server, supports both MySQL and Oracle databases (15-20 GB) Sencha Ext JS 4: Javascript framework Web services API (SOAP) Free software: LGPL licence ISPyB – 04/12/2013
ISPyB Technology New server installed in early 2013 pydevserv pyproserv pydevserv Prod. JBOSS server Spare JBOSS server (Mirrored deployments & config) Prod. MySQL DB Test JBOSS server Replicated MySQL DB Test MySQL DB Dev MySQL DB File system: /data/pyarch/ Dell R720xd, running on Debian 6 Main characteristics: Dual Intel Xeon processors (e.g. E5-2640 2.5 GHz 6 cores) 16 TB high-speed storage 64 GB RAM 10 Gbit networks… Ability to add external disk trays for more storage Ability to configure more internal storage File system copy /data/pyarch/ (asynchronous – rsynch based) ISPyB – 04/12/2013
ISPyB users End Users: users on site or remote. Type of proposals: Industrials (IX or FX) or MX users IX: Industrial Users who come to the ESRF FX: Industrial Users who don’t come to the ESRF (MXPress Service) MX: Academic Users (mainly BAG / Block Allocation Group) Local contacts (dewar tracking + monitoring of the collected data) Managers (monitoring of the collected data + statistics) Stores (dewar tracking) Blom (dewar tracking + statistics on a beamline) U LC M S B ISPyB – 04/12/2013
From sample to data analysis ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Dewar tracking Dewar location at whole time U LC M S B Dewar location at whole time Communication between users / ESRF staff Dewar description (beamline, local contact, user address) Labels automatically filled Automatic email on arrival / departure at / from the ESRF store Search options for Stores Dewar Location Dewar Labels (sending, return) ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Dewar tracking U LC M S B ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Before the experiment U LC Prepare Experiment at home (and not waste time at the beamline) Communication between users / Local contacts Sample description (description, bar-code, location, known unit cell dimensions, space group, diffraction plans, comments Sample information loaded into the BCM (MxCuBE) Shipment Description (Excel) ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Before the experiment Shipment Description (web application) U LC Shipment Description (web application) Shipment Description (CSV file) ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Ongoing experiment U LC M B Remote tracking by colleagues at home while the experiment is performed Communication between users / Local contacts Operator comments on data collections Facilitates real-time online monitoring of the collected data LC U M ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Experiment metadata / Electronic logbook Session info: date, beamline name, operator… Experiment parameters: wavelength, energy, detector distance… Beamline parameters: name, beam transmission, beam size,… Crystal snapshots Images (thumbnails, link to real images) EDNA results Autoprocessing results Parameters and results Crystal Snapshots Image thumbnails ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Characterisation parameters Characterisation results Data analysis results U LC M B Results from the EDNA MX characterisation pipeline can be accessed via the web application as a HTML file detailing one or more proposed data collection strategies. Characterisation parameters Characterisation results ISPyB – 04/12/2013
For suitable data collections, automatic data processing is carried out and results are accessible from the web application. Autoprocessing report Autoprocessing results ISPyB – 04/12/2013
Data mining and reporting U LC M B Long term tracking of experiments Process experiment results back into the Home LIMS Reports Statistics on how experiments are carried out Screenings/Full data collections ratio,… Figures on feature usage (training, interface improvement…) report Data collection report ISPyB – 04/12/2013
ISPyB data model ISPyB – 04/12/2013 Protein / Crystal / Sample Autoprocessing Shipment / Dewar / container Experiment EDNA Data Collection ISPyB – 04/12/2013
References and Acknowledgements Delageniere,S. et al. (2011) ISPyB: an information management system for synchrotron macromolecular crystallography. Bioinformatics, Vol. 27 no. 22, 3186– 3192. Thanks to ISPyB – 04/12/2013