The Las Positas College Student Health and Wellness Center International Student Presentation
The Student Health Center Building #1600 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday – 10:00 am – 7:00 pm Friday - Closed
The Student Health Center The Student Health and Wellness Center is an Outpatient Medical Clinic that provides Medical Care Personal Counseling Wellness Program
The Student Health Center This Outpatient Clinic is Managed by the local hospital and medical center ValleyCare Health Systems
A nurse practitioner (NP) Who will I See? A nurse practitioner (NP) An advance practice registered nurse licensed to provide healthcare independently, held to the same legal and ethical standards of care as physicians, with a commitment to giving personalized, quality health care to all.
What Can I go to the Clinic for? On -Site Testing: Pregnancy, Strep throat, Blood Sugar, Urine Analysis Immunizations ~ Discounted fee, Free Flu shots Extended Lab & X-rays ~ Discounted Fee through ValleyCare and Quest Lab Urgent Care ~ prescriptions STD testing (Lab varies)
Other Services Available Wellness Counselor = Tabling every Thursday with fresh fruit and health educational literature 11:30 – 1:30 Cafeteria patio. One on One counseling : healthy eating tips, portion control, exercise MFT counseling = Up to 3 visits with a Licensed Therapist, intern and referrals available for longer term services
We supply over the counter medications to our students: Front Desk We supply over the counter medications to our students: Tylenol, Motrin, Allergy medication, Antacid, etc. Bandages, Topical medication Condoms Educational Literature
Urgent Care Visit: Tri Valley Strep Throat range $80 – $150 Cost Comparision Urgent Care Visit: Tri Valley Strep Throat range $80 – $150 Student Health Center – FREE MFT Visit: Tri Valley 1hour: $100 - $150 Student Health Center - FREE
Our WebSite Check it out Awesome resources for everything from staying healthy to disease information Make appointments Ask questions Latest Health News
Tuberculosis Screening Why? Screening and targeted testing for tuberculosis is a key strategy for controlling and preventing infection on college and university campuses. Early detection provides an opportunity to promote the health of affected individuals through prompt diagnosis and treatment
TB? What is that? What is TB? Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by germs that are spread from person to person through the air. TB usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body, such as the brain, the kidneys, or the spine. A person with TB can die if they do not get treatment. CDC Statement 2007
What will I do at the Health Center All International Students are required to complete a question and answer screening form. Only those students with identifiable risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection and/or TB disease should be tested One of the identifiable risk factors is where you are from and where you have traveled to in the last five years.
Types of Testing Available Skin Test is free of charge IGRA is approximately $70 – increased sensitivity and specificity Either test is positive – chest x-ray is required – Chest x-rays are available for student at ValleyCare in Pleasanton for $66.10
Chest X-Ray If the chest x-ray is negative Option for INH – 7 month course of medication is offered to prevent the disease from becoming active – you will be referred to your primary care provider. If the chest-x-ray is positive you will be referred for medical treatment
History of a Positive Skin Test If you have had a positive skin test in the past – please let your provider know ~ you will receive a chest x-ray instead