Welcome to Australia
Australia Australia is on the continent of Australia. The capital of Australia is Canberra.
The people of Australia speak English.
Foods eaten in Australia are: Billy tea (bush tea boiled in a tin container) Bangers (sausages) Biscuits (cookies) Chips (French fries) Chook (chicken) cuppa (coffee)
Foods grown in Australia are: apples celery oranges broccoli dairy grains sugarcane
Things that you can see in Australia that are unique are: Australian flag Australian dollars kangaroos
Native animals to Australia are: emus wombats echidnas Platypuses koalas kangaroos
School in Australia The school system in Australia begins with an elementary year and then 12 years of primary. The school has 4 terms. You have to go to school until you are 16.
Interesting facts about Australia Australia's official name was Commonwealth of Australia. Australia is a great diving place. They have a great big beach in Australia. Their kind of money is called Australian dollars.
Anything else about Australia Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Their population is 19,357,594 (July 2001 est.)
Jobs in Australia Marketing services Office services
Sports in Australia soccer baseball football Water sports
Music in Australia Music tools
Art in Australia Two lizards kangaroos
Traditions in Australia Thanksgiving
Thanks for visiting Australia! By: Emma https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OUYxwn4h3g8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OUYxwn4h3g8