Future ready PA Index Update 5/23/17
Purpose of Proposed future ready PA index Establish a system of school performance measures that moves beyond point-in-time achievement and ensures clear identification of schools’ contributions toward student learning, growth, and success in the classroom and beyond. Guiding Vision to Indicators to Methodology Background – Stakeholder engagements sessions, work groups formed to make recommendations, Stakeholder sessions held seeking feedback, Guiding Vision Indicators Methodology
Highlights Increase emphasis on student growth measures, which incentivizes a focus on all learners and is less sensitive to demographic variables Measure English language acquisition among ELL students, not simply performance on a test of grade level ELA standards Incentivize career awareness instruction beginning at the elementary level Address the issue of unequal weighting of content areas in the current SPP ELA is weighted twice what math and science are weighted.
Highlights Provide indicators of student success after graduation Increase the emphasis on student access to course offerings such as AP, IB, college credit and CTE programs of study Allow LEAs to include locally-selected reading assessments (Grade 3) and math assessments (Grade 7) as additional snapshots of student progress Incentivize schools to offer career pathways that culminate with high value, industry recognized credentials Recognize schools for decreasing the percent of students scoring at the Below Basic level. Stakeholders saying loud and clear a school’s job is not just to get a student to graduation. Industry recognized credentials – Encoding, java programming, Microsoft certification
Three components of future ready PA index State Assessment Measures On-Track Measures College and Career Readiness Measures
Overview-proposed measures State Assessment Measures Percent Proficient and Advanced on PSSA/Keystone Exams ** Meeting Annual Academic Growth Expectations (PVAAS) Students with Disabilities – Meeting Annual Academic Growth Expectations - NEW **Percent Advanced on PSSA/keystone was previously extra credit in the original proposal, now simply part of the measure
Overview-proposed measures On-Track Measures Grade 3 Reading Indicators of Success – NEW Grade 7 Mathematics Indicators of Success – NEW English Language Proficiency – NEW Attendance Closing the Achievement Gap Grade 3 Reading and Grade 7 Math –NOT a new assessment for schools but rather a locally selected assessment already given, if the LEA chooses to report this measure. PDE recognizes the need for further criteria regarding these locally selected assessments English Language Proficiency – NOT a new assessment but rather using ACCESS scores, holding schools accountable for developing English language skills Attendance – one methodology is to continue with the way it has been done on the SPP. Alternate definition of attendance under consideration is Chronic Absenteeism. May better satisfy federal accountability requirements. Could be measured as the percentage of students missing a defined percentage or number of school days Closing the Achievement Gap – actually 2 indicators. One represents closing the gap for all students. The second represents the historically underperforming student group. Would be calculated by identifying growth in proficiency over an established number of years.
Overview-proposed measures College and Career Measures Career Standards Benchmark – NEW Percent Proficient or Advanced – Industry Standards-Based Competency Assessments and/or Industry Recognized Credentials Percent Advanced – Industry Standards-Based Competency Assessments and/or Industry Recognized Credentials ** Percent of Non-CTE Students Graduating with at last 1 High Value Industry Recognized Credential ** AP/IB/College Course offerings/Career Pathways Graduation Rate (including extended years) ** Postsecondary Transition to School, Military, or Work – NEW Aligned to any potential changes in graduation requirements and should not include introducing a new assessment Career Standards Benchmark - PA already has Career Education and Work Standards including skills such as collaboration, communication, teamwork, time management, problem solving, creating resumes, writing letters to employers, but have never reported on them in such a public way. Would include ---percent of grade 5 students who demonstrate the acquisition of skills related to these standards through engagement in career exploration and preparation activities ---percent of grade 8 students who created individualized career plans ---percent of grade 11 student who complete career portfolios during a respective reporting year **Indicates measures that are no longer extra credit as in the the original proposal, but are not part of the measure Graduation Rate – student who graduate in six years or fewer. This includes students with IEPs who attend school up to age 21 who are not currently captured. All students count. Postsecondary Transition to School, Military or Work – represents the percent of graduates from the prior year enrolled in institute of higher ed, enlist in the military or enter the workforce within 16 months of receiving a regular high school diploma. Data sets being explored to aquire this data.
Dashboard approach-Sample Indicator School Performance Statewide Average Statewide Goal (2030) School Progress Toward Statewide Goal English Language Arts/Literature-Percent Proficient and Advanced for All Students 64.3 62.5 81 Meets or Exceeds Statewide Goal Economically Disadvantaged 65.5 45 English Language Learners 11.8 11.6 Black or African American (not Hispanic) 83.4 36 Asian (not Hispanic) 67 78.7 White (not Hispanic) 89.4 70.7 Hispanic (any race) 40.1 40.8 American Indian/Alaskan Native (not Hispanic) NA 55.8 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 70 IEP 22.5 25.6
Future Ready and Federal Accountability Beginning Fall 2018 – proposed components of the various systems Public Facing Report Card – Future Ready PA Index Federal Accountability – Select Indicators from the Future Ready PA Index used to identify CSI (Comprehensive Support Improvement) and TSI (Targeted Support Improvement) schools as required by ESSA Educator Evaluation – Building level score as required by Act 82 using current formulas and weightings identified in regulations, not part of the Future Ready PA Index
Next steps Indicator Level Calculations Stakeholder input – through May and June ESSA Draft – early Summer ESSA Plan Submission – September 18, 2017 Technical Assistance Future Ready PA Index Implementation – Fall 2018
Additional information January 18, 2017 PDE Webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JAgySvDUSk&feature=youtu.be April 28, 2017 PDE Webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVFSITLAHl0&feature=youtu.be Send Questions or Suggestions to: ra-edfuturereadypa@pa.gov