Calculus I – Course Syllabus Class Periods: 1:00pm-1:50am MTWF Classroom: Thompson Hall 303 Instructor: Mei Q. Chen, Thompson Hall 328 E-mail: Phone: (843) 953-7896 (office)
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Textbook: Calculus - 3rd Edition by R. T. Smith and R. B. Minton
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Goals: Have a good understanding of concepts of calculus and applications of calculus in sciences and engineering
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Tips: taking good notes participating in class discussions and group work asking questions seeking for assistance whenever it is needed keeping up with assignments having fun
Calculus I – Course Syllabus A Note: If any of you do not feel comfortable in Calculus I during the first two weeks of the semester (from August 25 to September 7), please meet with me as soon as possible to discuss the possibility of switching you back to Precalculus.
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Grading Policy: (1) Homework and Classroom Assignments – 14% (2) Quizzes – 14% (3) Hour exams - 48% Sept. 15 (Wed), Oct. 6 (Wed), Nov. 3 (Wed), Dec. 3 (Fri) (4) Final exam - 24%
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Grading Policy: (assume one passes the Gateway Exam) A = 90% or higher B = 80% - 89% C = 70% - 79% --- (qualify for Cal II) D = 60% - 69% F = 59% or lower
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Gateway Exam Policy: To pass the course with C or higher, one must pass Derivative Gateway Test given by the department.
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Office Hours/ESP Study Sessions (1) Office Hours: TH 328 10-11:30am, MWF 2:15-3:30pm, TR (2) ESP Study/Help Sessions 8:00pm-9:30pm MR TH 326
Calculus I – Course Syllabus Math Lab in Writing Center: Mondays - Thursday: 1pm to 4 pm; Thompson 107 Tuesdays and Thursdays: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm; Thompson 203 Sundays and Mondays: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm; Thompson 203 Calc Workshop for TI-83/84 August 31st from 8:15pm-9:45pm, Thompson 303 Calc Workshop for TI-89 Sept 1st from 6:30pm-7:45pm, Thompson 303