Formally know as Math Analysis PreCalculus Formally know as Math Analysis
Course Description Pre-calculus combines the trigonometric, geometric, and algebraic techniques needed to prepare students for the study of calculus, and strengthens students’ conceptual understanding of problems and mathematical reasoning in solving problems.
Things that you must have: Graphing Calculator (Suggested:TI-84 Plus Silver) Graph Paper Straightedge A Section of a Three-ring Binder Highlighters Several colors of pens or pencils
Tutoring Hours: Monday – Friday before school and nutrition Lunches by appointment
Email Address
GRADES This is a point-based class. A percentage will be taken of the points that you earn against the total possible points than can be earned. Percentages will be rounded to the nearest percent. The grade scale is : A (100 – 90%), B(89 – 80%), C (79 – 70%), D(69- 60%) and Fail (59 – 0%).
INDIVIDUAL PRACTICES (IP) IP Assignments will be worth 4 points each and will be due the on the next class meeting after they are assigned unless it is otherwise stated. Late assignments will be worth no more than 2 points, if it is one day late. If an assignment is more than one class meeting late it will not be accepted. If a student is absent for any assignments, the student will have as many days as you were absent to make up the work without penalty, but the student must keep up with the current assignments. The “Work Habits” grade will be primarily determined by the amount of assignment points that are earned. The grade scale is: E (100 – 85%), S (84 – 70%) and U (69 – 0 %).
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS Formative Assessments are quizzes that are given on a regular basis in order to check on a students’ progress towards achieving the goal of learning the standards. Point values of the Formative assessment will vary. In the event that a student is absent for a quiz, the student will be expected to take the quiz on the next day of attendance unless otherwise arranged. If the quiz is not taken within a reasonable amount of time, the score on the quiz will be zero.
FORMAL ASSESSMENTS Formal Assessments will be the main source of points in this course. There will be a formal assessment at the end of each chapter. The point values will vary with a maximum value of 200 points. In the event that a student is absent for an exam, the student will be expected to take the exam on the next day of attendance unless otherwise arranged. If the exam is not taken within a reasonable amount of time, the score on the exam will be zero.
EXTRA CREDIT Your grade in this class should reflect the amount of skills of the course that you have mastered. Therefore, the extra credit offered will be very little in frequency and in quantity. In other words, don’t count on extra credit to make your grade. You actually need to learn the material.
ABSENCES Attendance in this class is very important. New material and skills will be covered almost everyday. It will be your responsibility to make sure that you cover the material missed because of an absence. Please ask for help if you need it to. If your absence is determined to be a truancy, you will not be allowed to make up any assignments, quizzes or exams that were missed.
TARDIES If a student is not completely inside the classroom when the bell is ringing, the student is late. Excessive tardies will result in the lowering of the cooperation grade. For every five tardies, the student must serve a detention.
BEHAVIOR Every student will be expected to participate in all classroom activities (including doing warm-ups, activities, taking notes, and group sharing) and not be a distraction to other students. The dress code will be enforced. And no food, drink or electronic devices (other than calculators) will be allowed in the classroom.
Cheating Cheating is defined as the following: To deal with dishonestly in order to gain something for oneself. Cheating will not be tolerated and will be dealt with harshly. A student will receive a zero on any assignment, quiz or exam if found to be involved with cheating. There will also be some sort of discipline.
Common Core California State Standards Focus: Significantly narrow and deepen the focus on major work topics. (rather than racing to cover many topics in a mile-wide, inch deep curriculum) Coherence: Linking topics, applying and extending previous understandings Rigor: Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity